Print User Group Rights Report

Use this screen to generate a report that contains user/user group data by company or module rights data by company or by user group.

Print this report whenever you need to review the rights for your Costpoint user groups, or whenever you need to review which users belong to which user groups.

For user/user group data, this report prints the following information from the Manage User Groups screen:

  • Company (as assigned to the user in the Assign Users to Group subtask)
  • User Group ID (from the User Groups table window)
  • User Group Name (from the User Groups table window)
  • User ID (as assigned to the user group from the Assign Users to Group subtask)
  • User Name (as assigned to the user group from the Assign Users to Group subtask)

For module rights data by user group, this report prints the following information from the Manage User Groups screen:

  • Company (as assigned to the user in the Assign Users to Group subtask)
  • User Group ID (from the User Groups table window)
  • User Group Name (from the User Groups table window)
  • User ID (as assigned to the user group from the Assign Users to Group subtask)
  • User Name (as assigned to the user group from the Assign Users to Group subtask)
  • Module/Application/Result Set (from the Module Rights subtask and subset links)
  • Module/Application/Result Set Name (from the Module Rights subtask and subset links)
  • Rights (from the Module Rights subtask and subset links)

    If you have selected the Application Detail check box on this screen, this report also prints the Application Name (from the Module Rights subtask)

Note: This function uses dynamic temporary tables. For more information on dynamic temporary tables, refer to the Application Locking/Dynamic Tables special topic.