Manage Workflow Models

Use this screen to define workflow models, including basic information, activities and their order, and labels to identify each workflow case.

Use this screen to design the flow of activities and define the necessary information for activities, such as to whom to route the activity and what function the activity should launch. The Activities Structure block provides a graphical user interface that enables you to visualize activities that occur in parallel, in groups, with options, or simply one after another. This screen also has a number of subtasks where you can enter detail information.

By defining a workflow model, you can initiate and maintain workflow cases, route new activities to activity inboxes and email, route completed activities to message inboxes or email, and audit the start and completion of activities.

After you have completed your entries, click on the toolbar.

You must first use the following screens to enter information before you set up this screen:

  • Manage Workflow Case Labels
  • Manage Workflow Role Filters
  • Manage Workflow Roles
Note: Use caution in the timing of your edits because any modifications may affect in-progress workflows.

After you have defined an active workflow, you can initiate a case of the workflow using the Manage Workflow Cases screen. When you initiate the workflow case, the role responsible for the first activity is notified.