Setting Up the Manage Modifications Screen

Use the Manage Modifications screen to enter the signed Value of the contract (Value Modifications group box), the amount of funding for the contract (Funding Modifications group box), and the Period of Performance. Enter the initial signed value, funded value, and period of performance as Modification 0000.

Enter all subsequent modifications with the Modification Number received by the client. The information entered on this screen defaults on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow, the Manage Revenue Information screen, and the Manage Project Billing Information screen.

Additionally, you can use the signed and funded values as a ceiling for revenue and billing calculations. The Period of Performance is used as a soft edit for timesheet entry. If you do not want the Period of Performance to be used as a soft edit, you can turn off this feature on the Configure Project Settings screen.

If you do not enter any modifications, no ceilings exist for revenue or billings, and no value is printed on reports (Project Status Reports, Contract Revenue/Cost Summaries, and so forth).


If the project you are entering is based on units of delivery, enter the number of units to deliver and the estimated cost and price per unit on the Unit Info subtask. You can enter this information only by CLIN number and by Item/Revision number, so you must complete the Manage CLIN Information screen before entering anything here. Additionally, you can place ceilings for revenue and billing calculations on the number of units to deliver.