Section IV — Leave Subtask

Use this subtask to set up lines for employee leave information to be included on this exit interview form.

Printing Criteria

Use the options in this group box to define whether you want this section to use page breaks or section breaks when printing on the exit interview form, and whether you want to exclude the section from the form.

Field Description
Page Break

Select this option if you want this section to start printing at the top of a new page.

Section Break

Select this option if you want this section to skip five blank lines before printing on the form.

Exclude Section

Select this option if you do not want to include this section on your exit interview form.


Use this table to select the leave types that you want to include on the exit interview form and to specify the order in which you want them to appear.

Field Description
Order Number

Enter the line numbers on which you want each leave type to appear. Valid values are from 1 to 99. You can enter a maximum of 99 lines in this table.

Leave Type

Enter, or use to select, the code for the leave type you want to appear on each line.

Leave Type Description

This non-editable field displays the descriptions for the leave types you selected.