Import Information About Templates

Once established, this "framework" of default template data can be imported into an Asset Master record with just a few clicks of the mouse, thus reducing the need for manual data entry in records that share mutual attributes. 

Another important advantage in utilizing the Asset Template functionality lies in the ability to incorporate consistent descriptions and data across property records, thus enhancing the quality of tracking and reporting functions within the system.

The template functions only as the mechanism by which template data is automatically imported into an Asset Master record. When you enter a valid template number (and revision number, if applicable) in an Asset Master record, data from the template automatically displays in the Asset Master record, where you can edit it on a field-by-field basis, if needed. Once the data is imported into the Asset Master record, there is no additional functionality for the template.

Costpoint populates an Asset Master record with template data when the template/revision number entered is validated by the system and when the cursor moves to a different field.

If you decide to bypass or defer the use of the template capability, you will need to enter data directly in the Asset Master record on a field-by-field basis or Clone data from an existing Asset Master record. You can always choose to set up templates and use this feature as desired at a later time.

Because not all fields from an Asset Master record are appropriate for setting up default data, there are fewer fields available for data entry in an Asset Template than in an Asset Master record. Substantial capability for the entry of default data exists, however, in over 120 standard template fields and a virtually unlimited number of user-defined fields.

Note: There is a small interface between Fixed Assets and Product Definition regarding the part (item)/revision number in Product Definition and the template/revision number in Fixed Assets. When you set up a template on this screen, and enter a template/revision number that has already been established as an Item/Revision Number in Product Definition, the item description automatically displays in the Long Desc field of the template, where you can edit it if needed.

The unique identifier for an asset template record is the Template No, together with the Rev No field, if applicable. Revision numbers are optional; use them to number subsequent versions of the same template while still retaining the earlier versions.

An Asset Master record is populated with template data when the template/revision number entered is validated by Costpoint and when the cursor moves to a different field.

If you choose to use the template feature, you can optionally specify one template for use as a default (in the Default Template for Asset Master group box on the Configure Fixed Assets Settings screen).

If you decide to bypass or defer the use of the template capability, you will need to enter data directly in the Asset Master record on a field-by-field basis or Clone data from existing Asset Master records. You can always choose to set up templates and use this feature as desired at a later time, however. Alternately, you may want to establish only one template that contains only system-required data. In this circumstance, you can designate this sole template as the system default (in the Default Template for Asset Master group box on the on the Configure Fixed Assets Settings screen).

Use the Manage Asset Template Information screen to enter descriptive template information for new property records and to edit descriptive information for existing template records. (Always use caution when editing existing records, however, to prevent unexpected depreciation and reporting results.)

Note: To import template data to an Asset Master record on the Manage Asset Master screen or on the Manage Autocreation Transactions screen, you open the Template Import Parameters subtask, where you can specify which template will be used and how the template data should be imported.

Please refer to the documentation for the Template fields on the Manage Asset Master Information screen and/or the Manage Autocreation Transactions screen for more detailed information.

If you plan to use templates, you should enter data on the Manage Asset Template Information screen and in any applicable Asset Template subtasks before you begin to establish your Asset Master records. You can use template functionality at any point in time, however. Although you can change information in the template screens at any time, use caution in the timing of your edits, which can affect the calculation of depreciation as well as the types of records included in system reports.