Manage Cobra Extraction Parameters

When integrating Costpoint and Cobra, you can define a single extraction or set of parameters on how the integration will occur, or you can create multiple extractions each with a different set of parameters.

For example, if you have some projects that load actual costs into weekly, while others are reported only on a monthly basis, you would need two different extraction definitions. Other instances may require you to create a comma separated value (CSV) file to provide actual costs to a prime contractor. In this scenario, you must create two extraction parameters for the same project. One will load directly into Cobra and the other will create a CSV file for delivery.

You can create multiple extraction parameter screens by saving each screen and assigning a parameter ID and name. Each parameter can have a unique charge template, project template, and cost template. This flexibility allows you to create very specific rules for processing a given group of projects. You can define the settings for the Costpoint projects and Cobra projects that are processed with each parameter.

You can choose to process only valid transactions during the extraction process. This means that all the records that do not contain errors are loaded into Cobra, and the records containing errors are sent to the error file. You can then correct the errors in the data existing in the error file and reprocess the data. You can also create a parameter that performs validation of the data without loading it into Cobra.

Before running the extraction process:

  • You must set up all the extraction parameters that are needed for all Costpoint projects that have been identified as Cobra projects.
  • You must set up all templates on the Manage Cobra Charge Templates, Manage Cobra Budget Element Templates, and Manage Cobra Cost Templates screens.

You can use the extraction parameters that you create on this screen when you select the Compute Cobra Burden and Run Cobra Extraction option on the Compute Cobra Burden Costs screen.