Manage Cash Forecast Templates

Use the Manage Cash Forecast Templates screen to define a template to use on the Create Preliminary Cash Forecasts screen.

You must first set up the cash forecast template before you link cash forecast accounts to the template and create the cash forecast. Similarly to the Manage Financial Statements screen setup, you use a group heading to define each section of the cash forecast. Below the heading, the details display which accounts are assigned to the Line Titles detail lines.

Deltek recommends that you develop a comprehensive plan that describes which accounts to include and link to the lines on the cash forecast that you set the cash forecast template.

For more information, see the Cash Forecasting Overview. Cash forecasting in general, as well as the decisions involved with linking balance sheet or income statement accounts to the different lines on the cash forecast, require some advanced accounting knowledge. Deltek recommends that this functionality not be accessed by anyone who is not familiar with these accounting procedures.