Step 15

To print hourly budgets on the Project Labor Summary Report, you need not complete all the processes noted in Step 14.

After completing the Manage PLC Budgets By Period screen or the Manage GLC Budgets by Period screen, execute the Create Project Report Tables screen and select the LaborSummary check box. This updates the Project Labor Summary Report table (RPT_PROJ_LAB_SUM). As noted in Step 6, you can print Total Contract Budget data on the PSR only if you completed the Manage Project Total Budget screen; subperiod, period, and year-to-date budgets are derived from the Manage Project Budgets by Period screen. The hourly budget information on the Project Labor Summary Report works differently. To print the hourly budgets on this report, you must complete the Manage GLC Budgets by Period or Manage PLC Budgets By Period screen. When you execute the Create Project Report Tables screen, these tables are the source for subperiod, period, and year-to-date hourly budgets, and the total project hourly budgets on the Project Labor Summary Report.