Print Posted Transactions Detail

Use this screen to print posted details for one, a range of, or all account/ organization/ project combinations, fiscal year/period/ subperiod combinations, and asset/item numbers.

The Print Posted Transactions Detail Report creates the selected contents of the Posted Transactions Detail table for depreciation expense, disposals, and/or depreciation adjustment entries, and includes the detail for all Fixed Assets accounts (such as, Asset, Depreciation Expense, Accumulated Depreciation, and Gain/Loss accounts). You can sort the report by fiscal year/period, account, organization, project, account/organization, or asset/item number.

Note: Because the Posted Transactions Detail table may potentially contain a very large number of records, you can limit the data printed in each report by carefully choosing the selection parameters. If you print this report for ranges of accounts, organizations, projects, and asset/item numbers, rather than for all accounts, the grand total of debits and credits may not equal zero because data may be included only for a portion of the Fixed Assets entries.

Print this report any time after posting to review historical data contained on the Posted Transactions Detail table.