Compute Leave Accruals

Use this screen to compute and post the leave-related accruals.

The leave accruals post to a temporary table first, which allows you to edit the leave amounts (see the documentation for the Manage Leave Edit Table screen) before posting to the General Ledger (G/L), Leave History, and Leave Balance tables.

Note: You can compute leave accruals at any time within an open leave period but before posting leave accruals to the G/L. Employees with a status of Family Medical Leave (on the Manage Employee Information screen) are skipped. There are screen options which will allow you to specify whether Employees with a status of Inactive may be included or skipped in the processing.

If you are computing leave accruals based on hours worked in the anniversary year or pay balances in excess of the anniversary year ceiling, you must post labor before you compute leave accruals.