Data Defaulting/Calculations

The following table lists new row defaulting/calculations for the application.

Condition Default/Calculation
Screen Opening Time Period is permanently set as Range.
Screen Opening Active check box is selected
Screen Opening Inactive, Disposal and Include Fixed Assets with Current Period Depreciation check boxes are clear
Screen Opening Additions, Disposals and Assets with Changes to Selected Asset Master Fields check boxes are selected
Generate Disposal Records check box is checked Selection Status for the created disposal edit record is On Hold (S_DISP_STATUS_CD = H)
Generate Disposal Records check box is checked Depreciation Adjustment = 0 (zero)
Generate Disposal Records check box is checked DISP_PRICE_AMT = 0 (zero)
Screen Opening Overwrite File check box is clear

The following table lists defaulting/calculations on Save for the application.

Condition Default/Calculation
Asset Number/Item Number combination is in the Non-contiguous Range. Asset master data for that record will appear in table format in the Asset Master and Disposal Data Records subtask when the Modify/View Data for Export button is clicked.
All the following conditions are met:
  • Asset Number/Item Number combination is in the Non-contiguous Range
  • The Generate Disposal Records check box is selected and Record Status on the Desc Info tab of Manage Asset Master Information for the asset does note equal Disposal (ASSET.S_STATUS_CD does not equal D)
  • The Depreciable check box is selected
Asset disposal data for that record will appear in table format when the Modify/View Data for Export button is clicked, where the Disposal Data table sits below the Asset Master Data table.
All the following conditions are met:
  • Asset Number/Item Number combination is in the Non-contiguous Range
  • The Generate Disposal Records check box is selected
  • Record Status on the Desc Info tab of Manage Asset Master Information does not equal Disposal (ASSET.S_STATUS_CD does not equal D)
  • The Non-Depreciable check box on the Export File Details tab of this application is selected
  • Depr Status on the Desc Info tab of Manage Asset Master Information equals Non-Depreciable (ASSET.S_DEPR_STATUS_CD = N)
Asset disposal data for that record will appear in table format when the Modify/View Data for Export button is clicked, where the Disposal table sits below the asset master table.

The following table lists defaulting/calculations on Save Batch for the application.

Condition Default/Calculation
You click the Save Batch button Asset master data will be saved to the application’s tables for asset number/item number records listed in the Non-Contiguous Asset List.
You click the Save icon All screen parameters are saved, but the Non-Contiguous Asset List records and any modifications made to those records in the Asset Master and Disposal Data Records subtask are not saved by this action.