Loaded Labor Plus Non-Labor Plus Burden on Non-Labor

This formula is similar to the Loaded Labor Rate Plus Cost Incurred on Non-labor (T&M) formula; however, this formula includes in the recognition of revenue burden costs incurred as well.

The program first calculates revenue for the loaded labor portion of the formula. This process is the same as that used to arrive at revenue using the Loaded Labor Rate formula.

The program next calculates allowable non-labor revenue. This process is the same as that used to arrive at revenue using the Loaded Labor Rate Plus Cost Incurred on Non-labor (T&M) formula.

The next step is to calculate the allowable burden. Burden cost ceilings and overrides are taken into consideration when calculating revenue. The burden cost ceiling and ceiling overrides are taken from the Manage Burden Cost Ceilings screen and the Manage Burden Fee Overrides screen, respectively. The burden rates are stored by pool on the Pool Rates subtask of the Manage Cost Pools screen. Costpoint multiplies this stored burden rate by allowable costs or hours (for hours-based pools) to arrive at allowable burden costs. The Compute Revenue process calculates burden at target rates and burden at actual rates. Allowable burden costs are added to Labor plus non-labor revenue to arrive at total T&M revenue.

The program compares this revenue amount to the Contract and Funded Values set on the Manage Total Ceilings screen. If a code of R displays next to the amount, this value is used as a total revenue ceiling amount. If a code of A displays next to the amount, this value is used as a total revenue and billing ceiling amount. Revenue for the fiscal year up to and including the subperiod being calculated is summarized to arrive at year-to-date revenue recognized. Prior year revenue found on the Manage Prior Year Cost and Revenue screen is summarized and added to year-to-date revenue to arrive at contract-to-date revenue recognized.

If total revenue computed exceeds the revenue ceiling, a credit is placed in the PROJ_SUM table on the revenue account line of the owning organization at the project level at which the revenue formula is entered. Thus, the amount calculated is allowable total revenue.

If you are posting revenue by performing organization, you need to run the Redistribute Revenue screen at this time to reallocate revenue across organizations that incurred the over-ceiling costs and fee proportionately.

Please note that revenue is calculated on a period-by-period basis. Allowable costs and fee incurred for a given period constitute revenue for that period. Adjustments made to prior period costs are reflected in the revenue recognized for that period. For example, assume the current period for revenue calculation is period 5. You enter adjusting timesheets into period 3 for corrections to costs incurred in period 3. Financial Statements for period 3 are final, and are not rerun for this period. When revenue for period 5 is calculated, allowable costs and fee are recognized as current period revenue for period 5 along with revenue on the adjusted timesheets entered in period 3. In the Project Summary table, revenue for period 3 does not change. When revenue is posted, revenue for all periods of the current fiscal year up to and including the period selected is summarized in the Project Summary table. In the GL_POST_SUM table, revenue account balances are summarized for all periods of the current fiscal year up to and including the period selected. The difference is posted to the current period in GL_POST_SUM. Therefore, on a period-by-period basis, revenue amounts in GL_POST_SUM may not equal revenue per the Project Summary table. The amounts tie on a YTD basis, however.