Column Definition Subtask

This subtask displays the physical columns in the input file, describes each column, defines inclusion for mapping, and specifies whether the column repeats, at what interval, and how often.

You can use repeating columns only for creating accounting-period-based information.


Field Description

This column must start at 1 and cannot skip any numbers. Column numbers must be greater than zero. If you enter column numbers that are not in sequence, you are prompted to fix them manually or to have them fixed automatically.

Column Description

Enter a column description.


Select this check box to indicate that a column is used for mapping.


Select this check box to indicate that an input column is a repeating column.


Use this column to define the interval at which a repeating column repeats. If the column does not repeat, or if the repeating columns are adjacent to one another, enter 1.


Use this column to specify the number of times a repeating column repeats. If the column does not repeat, enter 1.

No. of Columns

This non-editable column displays the total number of columns defined. This value is incremented automatically to reflect any repeating columns.

Note: After clicking OK and closing this subtask, always click the Source Name to refresh all of the lower level grids.
Warning: Altering a column definition after the mapping is built may cause a disconnection between the column definition and the mapping definition. Review the mapping definition and ensure the correct source columns are mapped to the correct target columns.