Contract Tab of the Plan Form

Use the Contract tab on the Plan form of the Projects hub to view a detailed analysis of the contract information related to the current project. This includes calculations, specific breakdowns of billing amounts, and other plan details down to the designated work breakdown structure (WBS) level.

If the Accounting module is activated, the amounts on this tab come from or are calculated from the amounts entered on the Contract Management form in the Projects hub. You cannot make any changes to the compensation amounts on this tab; you must make them on the Contract Management form.

If the Resource Planning module is activated but the Accounting module is not activated, you can enter compensation amounts on this tab for labor, direct expenses (or indirect expenses for a promotional or overhead project), reimbursable expenses, direct consultants, and reimbursable consultants. Vantagepoint then calculates other amounts based on your entries. You enter the amounts at the lowest level of each branch of the plan structure, and Vantagepoint rolls up those amounts to the higher levels. If the Cost and Billing budget type is selected and the project uses different project (cost) and billing currencies because Use Billing (Not Project Currency) for Reporting is set to Yes in Settings > Accounting > Labor Options, you can enter both cost and billing contract fee amounts.

The amounts on this tab display at billing or cost, depending on the option you select in the upper-right corner of the form. Whether both options are available depends on the budget type selected for the project plan. If both Billing and Cost options are available, you can switch between them, and the tab's information will update accordingly.

If your firm uses multiple currencies, the currency in use is indicated next to the Billing or Cost option. The project cost currency is always used when viewing projects and plans at cost. A configuration setting that your system administrator selects determines whether project cost currency or billing currency is used when you view projects and plans at billing.

When you select the Cost option, some information may not display if your security role does not provide access rights to labor cost rates and amounts.


The columns described below are the columns that are potentially available to display in the grid. Click next to the upper-right corner of the grid to add or remove columns. When setting up Vantagepoint, your system administrator may decide that some columns will not be used. Those columns will not be available for selection.

Field Description
Level This column displays the elements in the plan structure. In either case, you can expand or collapse the levels of the structure.

By default, only names display for WBS elements, but you can display WBS numbers along with the names. Click next to the upper-right corner of the grid, and select the Show Project Numbers check box in the Column Settings & Selections dialog box.

Click the arrow next to an element of the structure to drill down to the elements on the next lower level.

Compensation This column displays the compensation amount: Labor + (Direct expenses or Indirect expenses).
Direct Consultants This column displays the direct consultants compensation amount for each WBS element.

The sum of the amounts in this column and the amounts in the Reimbursable Consultants column displays in the Contract column on the Consultants tab.

Direct Expenses or Indirect Expenses For projects with the Regular charge type, this column displays the direct expenses compensation amount for each WBS element. For projects with the Promotional or Overhead charge type, this column displays the indirect expenses amount for each WBS element. The column heading displayed is based on the project charge type.

An indicator displays to alert you when compensation exceeds direct expenses.

The sum of the amounts in this column and the amounts in the Reimbursable Expenses column displays in the Contract column on the Expenses tab.

Labor This column displays the direct labor compensation amount for each WBS element.

The amounts in this column also display in the Contract column on the Labor tab.

Notes Click in this column to enter or display plan notes related to the WBS element.

The plan notes are also displayed in an info bubble, along with other information for a WBS element, when you click on the WBS element in any of the planning grids in the Projects hub or in Resource Management.

Notes If the icon displays in this column for a WBS element, click that icon to review or edit the existing notes for that element.

If the icon does not display for a WBS element, hover over the row and click to add a note for that element.

A note entered on this tab is also available in the Notes column on all of the other planning tabs on the Plan form. The plan notes for a WBS element are also displayed in an info bubble, along with other information for that element, when you click on the WBS element in any of the planning grids in the Projects hub or in Resource Management.

% of Total Contract This column displays each WBS element's percentage of the total contract for the project: Total contract amount for the WBS element / Total contract amount for the project x 100.

This column is only available if At Lowest Level Only is selected on the Contract Management settings form (Settings > Project > Contract Management).

Reimbursable Allowance This column displays the reimbursable allowance compensation amount for each WBS element, which is all expenses that will be reimbursed to your company by the client: Reimbursable expenses + Reimbursable consultants.
Reimbursable Consultants This column displays the reimbursable consultants compensation amount for each WBS element.

The sum of the amounts in this column plus the amounts in the Direct Consultants column displays in the Contract column on the Consultants tab.

Reimbursable Expenses This column displays the reimbursable expenses compensation amount for each WBS element.

The sum of the amounts in this column plus the amounts in the Direct Expenses or Indirect Expenses column displays in the Contract column on the Expenses tab.

Total Contract This column displays the total contract amount for each WBS element: Labor + Direct or indirect expenses + Direct consultants + Reimbursable expenses + Reimbursable consultants.
Click this icon next to the upper-right corner of the grid to display the Column Settings & Selections dialog box and do either of the following:
  • Display WBS numbers along with names in the grid
  • Add or remove grid columns
To display the Contract Calculations chart and the Contract Breakdown chart for a WBS element, hover over or click the WBS row and click this icon at the end of the row.

The charts display in the Contract Charts dialog box. If you leave the dialog box open, you can select other rows in the grid, and the charts update automatically to reflect the currently selected row. The charts also update automatically if you change data in the grid that affects the currently selected row.