Invoice Register Report

Use the Invoice Register to view the invoices posted during the current period in Transaction Center or in Billing.

On the Project lookup in the Records field, you can search on an invoice number or on unpaid invoices. These searches help you locate projects that have at least one invoice that matches your criteria. However, they do not filter the invoices. The report still includes all of the invoices for each project you select.

Leading Zeros in Invoice Numbers

If your enterprise uses leading zeros in invoice numbers but you do not want to display the zeros on the report, set the Display Invoice Leading Zeros option to No on the Options tab of the Accounts Payable form (Settings > Cash Management > Accounts Payable).

Credit Memos

Credit memos are listed separately on the Invoice Register report. If you want to see only credit memos on the report, select the Only Include Credit Memo Details option on the Options tab of Invoice Register report settings

Sort and Group by Billing Group

If you group by Billing Group Name or Billing Group Number, Vantagepoint uses the project name and number for projects that do not belong to a billing group.

Multiple Companies

If you use multiple companies, this report only includes invoices for projects that can be billed by the active company. Those projects include the following:

  • Projects owned by the active company
  • Sub-projects in billing groups with main projects owned by the active company. These sub-projects can belong to other companies.

The report does not include data from sub-projects that are owned by the active company but that are also part of a billing group with a main project owned by another company. The column headings and account mappings are based on the mappings set up for the company that owns each project.