Contents of the Billing Groups Form

Use these fields and options to specify a main project and other elements of the billing group.


The fields and options in this section display at the top of the form.

Field Description
Billing group search Use the field next to the form title to search for and select an existing billing group to view or edit.
Click the filter drop-down arrow on the left side of the search field, and select one of the following search types:
  • Active: Display a list of active billing groups.
  • All: Display a list of all billing groups to which you have access..
  • Mine: Display a list of billing groups for which you are a member of the team.
  • Legacy Searches: Display a list of billing groups based on a search from previous versions of the application or from legacy systems. Although you cannot modify a legacy search, you can build a new search based on a legacy search. Click the icon to display the Edit Search dialog box. Click Delete and Start Over to build a new search based on the legacy search.
  • My Searches : Display a list of billing groups based on your personal search. Click the icon to display the Edit Search dialog box. You can then update your personal search for future use.
  • Shared Searches: Display a list of billing groups based on a search shared with other team members and roles. Click the icon to display the Edit Search dialog box. You can then update the shared search for future use.
  • SQL Where Clause Searches: Display a list of billing groups based on SQL Where Clause query statements and advanced search settings. These complex searches locate records across multiple hubs, applications, or databases. You must have the appropriate security role access to use this advanced search functionality.
  • + New Search: Select this link to create a new search for billing groups. Use both basic and advanced search features on the New Search dialog box to refine search criteria.

For information about creating and using searches, see the Search Vantagepoint help topics.

x of x Use these arrow icons to scroll through the billing groups and open a different record on the form. The numbers show you which record you are viewing out of the total number of records in the search results.
+ New Billing Group Click this option and then select the main project for this billing group. This project can be any project that has billing terms defined.
Click the Switch to List View icon to switch to the list view of the form. In this view, fields display in columns in one grid on the form rather than on separate tabs. Table name records display in each row in the grid. This makes it easy to compare and update multiple records at one time because you do not have to open individual records. You can add, remove, or change the order of the columns in the grid by clicking to the right of the grid. This opens the List View Settings dialog box.

Click to filter the grid contents based on column values. For information about how the filter works, see Filter the Grid Results.

For information about selecting columns, see Select Columns for a Grid.

For more information and instructions on how to use list view, see Use the List View.

After you have switched to list view, click the Switch to Detailed View icon to switch back to the detail view of the form. Detail view is the default view that displays when you open a form for the first time; thereafter, the view that was active when you closed the application will display when you open. The detail view is the format that is described in help topics in the Help system.
<Billing Group Name / Main Project>, <Active Company> This area displays the name and project number of the billing group.

If your enterprise uses multiple companies, the name of the active company also displays. You can select any project that belongs to your company. Your company then controls invoicing for the entire billing group, even if some of the sub-projects are owned by other companies in your enterprise.

Edit Click this button to open all fields in the form for editing.
Other Actions Choose an option from the drop-down list:
  • Copy: Select this option to copy the details of the currently displayed billing group.
  • Print Report: Select this option to print the Billing Groups Table List report.
  • Delete: Select this option to delete the currently displayed billing group.

Invoice Options

Field Description
Consolidate printing Select this option to consolidate all sub-projects in a billing group when printing the invoice. When you consolidate printing, the main project’s billing terms are used to calculate the invoice, and separate terms for the sub-projects are suppressed.
  • You must select this option if you are posting billing phase fees for a project that is in a billing group.
  • If you do not select this option but you do select Separate terms, Vantagepoint uses each project’s billing terms to calculate the invoice. If no billing terms are specified for the project, no invoice is calculated.
  • If you select neither this option nor Separate terms, Vantagepoint calculates the invoice using the billing terms of the billing group’s main project. If the main project has sub-projects, phases, or tasks, the invoice displays amounts at those levels.
  • If you select this option, the Print AR by, Print billed-to-date by, Print interest by, Print tax by, and Print retainer by options are set to Group and cannot be changed.
Consolidate all posting Select this option to consolidate the posting of revenue and accounts receivable invoice amounts to the main project. If you do not select this option, Vantagepoint posts revenue and accounts receivable amounts to the corresponding projects.
Separate terms Select this option to generate the invoice using the terms established for the individual projects making up the billing group. If terms are not established for individual projects, Vantagepoint uses the billing terms specified for the main project. When you select this option, labor and expense amounts are listed separately for each sub-project on the invoice. Selecting this option has no impact on where the retainer prints if the Print retainer by option is set to Group.
Consolidate tax posting If you maintain separate balance sheets by organization, it may be useful to consolidate tax postings:
  • When tax posting is consolidated for an enterprise with multiple companies, all tax liability posts to the credit account assigned to the tax code of the main project’s company.
  • When tax posting is consolidated for a firm that does not use multiple companies, all tax liability posts to the credit account assigned to the tax code and the organization of the main company.
Overall limit for group Select this option to use the overall upset limit from the main project’s billing terms as the upset limit for the entire group. The limit prints at the end of the invoice. If you do not select this option, you can specify upset limits for each project in the billing group.

You specify billing limits (upset limits) for a project on the More Calculations tab of the Billing Terms form in Hubs > Projects > Billing Terms and they are only applied to the specific sub-project.

Invoice Format

Field Description
Print AR by Select an option to determine how accounts receivable amounts display on the invoice. Options are:
  • Group: Print outstanding accounts receivable charges on the invoice for the entire billing group. This option prints outstanding accounts receivable charges at the end of the invoice, consolidated for the entire billing group. If Consolidate printing is selected, you must select Group.
  • Project: Print outstanding accounts receivable charges on the invoice separately for each project.
Print tax by

If you print tax by project and select Separate terms, the taxes defined for each project are calculated and printed on the invoice for each project.

If you print tax by project and do not select Separate terms, the taxes assigned to the main project are calculated and printed for each project.

Multiple Companies

If your enterprise uses multiple companies and consolidates posting, special guidelines apply.

The taxes defined for each project are calculated if a billing group has the following characteristics:

  • Projects with components that belong to multiple companies
  • Taxes calculated, and all posting or tax posting consolidated
  • Separate terms
  • Taxes printed by project

Verify that the liability accounts assigned to the tax codes being calculated are available to all companies. If the liability account is not available to the company being consolidated to, Vantagepoint posts the tax credit to the main company’s fee revenue account and includes the tax amount in uninvoiced revenue and unbilled services postings.


Billing Group:

Project 123, owned by Company A

  • Company A has tax code ABC set to post to account 250.
  • Account 260 is not available to Company A.

Project 456, owned by Company B

  • Company B has tax code XYZ set to post to account 260.
  • Account 250 is not available to Company B.

Both ABC and XYZ taxes are calculated on the respective projects. The tax calculated on Project 456 posts to the fee revenue account of Company A.

If your firm uses multiple companies and does not consolidate posting, special guidelines apply.

If a billing group has the following characteristics, then taxes defined for the main project are calculated:

  • Projects with components that belong to multiple companies.
  • Taxes calculated and posting is not consolidated.
  • Using separate terms and Printing tax by Group OR.
  • Not using separate terms.

Be sure that the liability accounts assigned to those tax codes are available to all companies. If the liability account is not available to a company, Vantagepoint posts the tax credit to the company’s fee revenue account and includes the tax amount in uninvoiced revenue and unbilled services postings.


Billing Group:

Project 123, owned by Company A:

  • Company A has tax code ABC set to post to account 250.

Project 456, owned by Company B

  • Company B has tax code XYZ set to post to account 260.
  • Account 250 is not available for Company B.

If ABC taxes from the main project are set up to calculate for all projects, the tax calculated on Project 456 posts to the fee revenue account of Company B.

Print billed-to-date by Select an option to determine how billed-to-date amounts display on the invoice. Options are:
  • Group: Print billed-to-date amounts on the invoice for the entire billing group. This option prints outstanding billed-to-date amounts at the end of the invoice, consolidated for the entire billing group. If Consolidate printing is selected, you must select Group.
  • Project: Print billed-to-date amounts on the invoice separately for each project.
Print retainage by Select an option to determine how retainage displays on the invoice:
  • Group: Print retainage on the invoice for the entire billing group. This option prints retainage at the end of the invoice, consolidated for the entire project group. If Consolidate printing is selected, you must select Group. When this option is selected, retainage must be defined on the main project’s Billing Terms form. Retainage defined on the Billing Terms forms of other projects in the group is ignored.
  • Project: Print retainage on the invoice separately for each project.

This field is available only if you set Use Retainage to Yes in Settings > Billing > Options.

Print interest by Select an option to determine how interest charges display on the invoice. Options are:
  • Group: Print interest charges on the invoice for the entire billing group. This option prints outstanding interest charges at the end of the invoice, consolidated for the entire billing group. If Consolidate printing is selected, you must select Group. When this option is selected, interest must be defined on the main project’s Billing Terms form. Interest defined on the Billing Terms forms of other projects in the group is ignored.
  • Project: Print interest charges on the invoice separately for each project.
Print retainers by Select an option to choose how retainers display on the invoice:
  • Group: This option prints the retainer at the end of the invoice, consolidated for the entire project group. Retainers post to the lowest WBS level displayed on the invoice with billing terms defined for the main project in the billing group. If Consolidate printing is selected, you must select Group. When this option is selected, the retainer must be defined on the main project’s Billing Terms form. A retainer defined on the Billing Terms forms of other projects in the group is ignored.

    If a project has multiple WBS levels and this option is selected, only retainer amounts defined at the project level (WBS 1) print at the end of the invoice. If a retainer amount is defined for a phase (WBS 2) or task (WBS 3), even if Group is selected here, the retainer amounts for those lower levels print on the invoice sections for the corresponding phase or task.

  • Project: Print the retainer after the project where the retainer was entered. Retainers post to the last WBS level displayed on the invoice with billing terms defined for the project where the retainer was entered, or to the main project if Consolidate posting is selected.
    • If Separate terms is not selected, and Project is selected, the retainer prints only if the project in which a retainer was defined is the main project in the billing group.
    • If Separate Terms is selected and Project is selected, retainer amounts display on the invoice after each project where retainer amounts are defined, regardless of whether or not the project is the main project.

Projects Included in Billing Group Grid

Field Description
Sub Project Vantagepoint displays the project numbers of the sub-projects that belong to the billing group.

Vantagepoint displays the names of the sub-projects that belong to the billing group.

If you use multiple companies and your company owns the main project for the billing group (via organization codes), you invoice all the sub-projects as well. This is true even if one or more sub-projects are owned by other companies in your enterprise.

Conversely, if your company owns a sub-project but not the main project, the company owning the main project invoices all sub-projects in the billing group, including yours.

This icon displays at the end of the row when you click or hover over a grid row. Click the icon to delete the sub-project entry.
+ Add Sub-Project Click this option and select a sub-project from the list to add to the billing group. Each project can only be associated with one billing group.