Working with Proposal Elements

Use Proposal Builder features to create and customize proposals. You can insert text, images, and hub records to develop a graphical representation of how the proposal will look, which you can then customize and change on-the-fly to meet your client requirements.

These help topics provide an overview of the different elements that are used to build proposals and include links to step-by-step instructions for using each type of Vantagepoint element.

Element Description Procedure /Dialog Box
Header When you create a new proposal, the name that you enter on the new Proposal Dialog box is included in the header. Use the quick edit option to change it.

Create a Proposal

New Proposal Dialog Box

Toolbar The toolbar includes options to set proposal properties, export the proposal to PDF file, zoom to a different page size, and show formatting grid lines. Proposal Builder Toolbar
Proposal Properties Use this dialog box to define the properties of the proposal, including the proposal name, identification number, due date, associated project, and other details. Define the Proposal Properties

You can insert elements such as image files, text, lines, and section breaks. The Elements Pane is divided as follows:

  • General Elements: Insert text boxes, images, lines, and section breaks.
  • Deltek Elements: Insert hub records, estimate tables, or element groups.
  • Clipboard Elements: Insert elements that were cut from the proposal and which are ready to be moved to a new location in the proposal.
Insert an Element into a Proposal
Sections and Pages Pane


  • The Sections area lists each section along with its header and name.
  • You can insert breaks to create the divisions between sections. For example, you could insert a section break after the proposal's introduction to create a Resumes section that groups employee resumes together.
  • Use the Section Properties to define the name for each section.


  • The Pages pane on the right lists the pages of the proposal. Each page may contain multiple sections.
  • The pages area in the middle is the interactive area in the middle of the Proposal Builder where you can drag elements, enter text, select images, and build the proposal.
  • Under each page is a + button to add a new page.
  • Drag and drop pages on the Pages pane to reorder.
Use the Page Properties dialog box to set the margins, orientation, paper size, and other formatting options for the proposal.

Insert Section Breaks

Define Section Properties

Add Pages to a Proposal

Define Page Properties

Text After entering a text element, you can enter proposal text by double-clicking in the text box to open the Edit Text dialog box and use options on the formatting toolbar to format the text. Edit Text Dialog Box