Accounts Tab of Purchasing and Inventory Company Settings Form

Use the Accounts tab to specify the company accounts to use for an item's tax, shipping, and extra amounts. When an employee posts any of these amounts for an accounts payable voucher that was created from a purchase order, Vantagepoint puts accounting entries in the direct, indirect, and reimbursable accounts that you specify in this screen.

If you use multiple companies and an account displayed here is not available to the project's company, Vantagepoint uses the account shown in the item's cost distribution.

Field Description
Tax Reimb Click and select the General Ledger account to which to post the debit entry for voucher transactions related to the reimbursable tax amount.
Tax Direct Click and select the General Ledger account to which to post the debit entry for voucher transactions related to the direct tax amount.
Tax Indirect Click and select the General Ledger account to which to post the debit entry for voucher transactions related to the indirect tax amount.
Shipping Reimb Click and select the General Ledger account to which to post the debit entry for voucher transactions related to the reimbursable shipping amount.
Shipping Direct Click and select the General Ledger account to which to post the debit entry for voucher transactions related to the direct shipping amount.
Shipping Indirect Click and select the General Ledger account to which to post the debit entry for voucher transactions related to the indirect shipping amount.
Extra Amount 1 Reimb If Extra Amount 1 is specified, click and select the General Ledger account to which to post the debit entry for voucher transactions related to the reimbursable Extra Amount 1.
Extra Amount 1 Direct If Extra Amount 1 is specified, click and select the General Ledger account to which to post the debit entry for voucher transactions related to the direct Extra Amount 1.
Extra Amount 1 Indirect If Extra Amount 1 is specified, click and select of the General Ledger account to which to post the debit entry for voucher transactions related to the indirect Extra Amount 1.
Extra Amount 2 Reimb If Extra Amount 2 is specified, click and select the General Ledger account to which to post the debit entry, for voucher transactions related to the reimbursable Extra Amount 2.
Extra Amount 2 Direct If Extra Amount 2 is specified, write the number of the General Ledger account to which to post the debit entry, for voucher transactions related to the direct Extra Amount 2.
Extra Amount 2 Indirect If Extra Amount 2 is specified, write the number of the General Ledger account to which to post the debit entry, for voucher transactions related to the indirect Extra Amount 2.
Extra Amount 3 Reimb If Extra Amount 3 is specified, write the number of the General Ledger account to which to post the debit entry for voucher transactions related to the reimbursable Extra Amount 3.
Extra Amount 3 Direct If Extra Amount 3 is specified, write the number of the General Ledger account to which to post the debit entry for voucher transactions related to the direct Extra Amount 3.
Extra Amount 3 Indirect If Extra Amount 3 is specified, write the number of the General Ledger account to which to post the debit entry for voucher transactions related to the indirect Extra Amount 3.