Manually Tie Posted Charges to Imported Credit Card Charges

You can manually tie posted expense report charges or AP disbursement charges to imported charges from a credit card statement in Credit Card Reconciliation. This applies for credit cards with charges that you import into Vantagepoint, if you have also chosen to include the transaction ID for imported charges.

Use these instructions when employees enter and post expense reports without a transaction ID for the charge, before the charges are imported from a credit card statement into Vantagepoint. This results in two separate charges listed in the Credit Card Charges grid of the Charges tab in Credit Card Reconciliation, one for the posted expense report charge and one for the imported charge. Normally, there would be one row for a charge that ties the posted and imported charges together if you follow the ideal workflow of adding imported charges to an expense report after the charges from a statement have been imported.

You can also use these instructions when AP disbursements are entered in Transaction Entry and posted without a transaction ID from the credit card charge.

To manually tie a posted expense report or AP disbursement charge with its corresponding imported credit card charge:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Cash Management > Credit Card Reconciliation.
  2. On the Credit Card Reconciliation form, select an existing In Progress credit card statement.
  3. On the Charges tab, hover over a posted expense report charge and click Details at the end of the row.
    Posted expense report charges have an amount in the Posted Amount field in the grid.
  4. In the Transaction ID field, on the Details dialog box, enter an ID or select the appropriate transaction ID from the drop-down list.
  5. Click OK.
    The Charges grid now reflects a single transaction row with the same amounts for the Imported Amount and Posted Amount fields, which was previously shown as two separate row entries.