Create a Calculated Measure for Analysis Cubes

If you use Vantagepoint Intelligence Analysis Cubes, you can create calculated measures to add to the Vantagepoint project data cube.

To create a calculated measure:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Settings > General > Analysis Cubes.
  2. On the Analysis Cubes form, click the Calculated Measures tab.
  3. Click New Calculation.
  4. On the Calculated Measures dialog box, enter information to create the calculated measure and then click Save.
  5. To apply the calculated measures to the Analysis Cubes, contact your system administrator to run an Analysis Cubes refresh.
    Depending on your company's configuration of Vantagepoint, your system administrator runs the refresh process or submits an Analysis Cubes Refresh request to the Deltek Cloud Ops. All calculated measures that you create on the Calculated Measures tab are updated to the project data cube after a refresh.
    The calculated measures display in the following places:
    • In Microsoft Excel, in the PivotTable List
    • In Tableau
    • Within the group and folder that you selected for each on the Calculated Measures dialog box

If you need to modify a calculated measure, click at the right end of a row and then click Edit. You must contact your system administrator to run or request a refresh to apply your changes to the Analysis Cubes.