Currency Exchange for Analysis Cubes

If you use Analysis Cubes and the Multicurrency feature, you can generate a custom report that displays all monetary amounts in a single currency, called the presentation currency.

For example, you can display all the amounts on a project report in one currency (for example, euros), even though different projects on the report are managed in different currencies (US dollar, Japanese yen, and so on).

You can also have an amount expressed in multiple single currencies on a custom report. For example, a report can display project expenses in euros in one row, but display them in US dollars in another row.

You can include presentation currencies on custom reports that are created from the Vantagepoint Project and General Ledger data cubes.

For a presentation currency to work, you must specify currency conversion and exchange rate information for Analysis Cubes. This currency exchange feature works only if you have Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Edition installed. If you have SQL Server Standard Edition installed, the currency exchange feature does not work.