Enable General Ledger Budget Approvals

When you enable approvals for general ledger budgets, you also specify the approval workflow and the year in which the approvals are first required.

To enable approvals:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Settings > General Ledger > Options.
  2. In the company-specific section at the bottom of the Options form, set Enable General Ledger Budget Approvals to Yes to enable approval workflows for GL budgets.
  3. From the Approval Workflow drop-down list, select the approval workflow for GL budgets in this company.
    You specify the choices for this list in Settings > Workflow > Approval Workflows.
  4. In the Approval Start Year field, specify the first year in which you want to use approvals, or leave the field blank to enable approvals for all existing general ledger budgets.
    General ledger budgets that fall within this year or later will have approvals enabled.
  5. Click Save.