Contents of the Hub Preferences Dialog Box

Use the fields in this dialog box to view or change a user-defined hub's preferences or delete a user-defined hub.

The fields on this dialog box contain the information that you entered on the Create Hubs dialog box when you originally created the user-defined hub.


Field Description
Singular Name Enter the singular form of the name for the hub. This is the system label that is used throughout Vantagepoint when the singular form of the hub name is needed, such as in reports.
Plural Name Enter the plural form of the name for the hub. This is the name that you see for the hub in the Hubs section of the Vantagepoint Navigation pane. It is the system label that is used throughout Vantagepoint when the plural form of the hub name is needed.
Help URL Enter a URL that links to a custom help file that you created for this hub. The URL can be a maximum of 255 characters in length. The help file launches when users click the Help icon at the top of the hub's screen.
Automatically include Select or clear the check boxes in this section to add or remove grids and a summary panel from the hub.

When you clear check boxes to remove grids that were previously added to a hub: The grid is removed from the tab. If the tab has no other fields are on the tab, you can delete the tab by clicking X beside the tab name.

You can clear the check box to remove the Summary panel only if the panel has no fields in it. If the Summary panel has the Number and Name fields (which you are not allowed to remove), you can move (drag and drop) these fields to another tab and then remove the Summary panel.

Check boxes are:

  • Activities Grid: This check box is available if you have the CRM or CRM Plus application activated. This adds an Activities tab to the hub. The tab has an Activities grid in which you can schedule and manage activities, such as meetings, phone calls, and other tasks for hub records.
  • Files Grid: This check box is available only if you have FileStream is enabled. This adds a Files grid for attaching files to hub records. The Files grid is added to a Files tab in the hub if you select this check box and you do not select the Links Grid check box. If you select both of these check boxes, the Files grid is added to a Files & Links tab in the hub. In the Files grid you can upload files for hub records for easy access and viewing. You can upload various file types, such as image files, Microsoft document files, word processing files, drawing files, spreadsheets, and so on. A copy of the file is stored in the FileStream database.
  • Links Grid: This adds a Links grid for adding hyperlinks that open external text and graphic files, web sites, email addresses, and so on to hub records. The Links grid is added to a Links tab in the hub if you select this check box and you do not select the Files Grid check box. If you select both of these check boxes, the Links grid is added to a Files & Links tab in the hub.
  • Summary Panel with image: This adds a summary panel on the left side of the hub form. The panel contains a Number field and a Name field for entering the number and name for each new record that you add to the hub. You can also upload an image for a hub record in this pane.

    If you choose not to add the summary panel to the hub, the Number and Name fields are added to the Overview tab that is always added to a new hub. The Overview tab is blank if you select the Summary Panel with image check box. You can add fields to the Overview tab or delete the tab.

    You cannot delete the Number and Name fields in the Summary panel or the Overview tab. However, you can hide the fields, if needed, using the Hidden field in the Field Properties section of the properties pane on the Screen Designer form.

Database Table Name This displays the singular name for hub that is entered in the Singular Name field, preceded with UDIC_. You cannot change the database table name. This is the internal database table name that is assigned to the hub. You use this name for creating custom reports or advanced workflows for the hub.
Display in Page Title

Select whether you want the name or number that was entered for the hub record to display at the top of the hub form to identify the record that you have open in the hub.

This setting also determines how the name and number display in the hub's search results list:
  • If you select Name for the Display in Page Title setting, the hub record's name displays first, in larger text, above the hub record's number (in smaller text) in the search results list.
  • If you select Number for the Display in Page Title setting, the hub record's number displays first, in larger text, above the hub record's name (in smaller text) in the search results list.

You can delete a user-defined hub's name or number field, but not both, from the hub. When you delete one of the fields, the remaining field is automatically selected for the Display in Page Title setting, and you cannot change it.

If you select Name and you added three name fields to the hub, all three names display at the top of the hub form. (You can add up to three name fields for a hub record.) The order that you place the name fields in the hub determines the order in which they appear, concatenated, at the top of the hub form. Vantagepoint looks at the order of the name fields from top to bottom if the name fields are all on the summary panel; from left to right and then top to bottom if the name fields are all on one tab; and from tabs left to right if the name fields are on different tabs.

Delete Hub To permanently delete the user-defined hub and all the records that it contains, click this option. Then, on the Delete Hub dialog box, click Delete Hub.
Done Click this button to save the entries on the dialog box and return to the Screen Designer form. Clicking Done does not save any changes that you made on the Hub Preferences dialog box to the hub. To save the changes, you must click Save at the top of theproperties pane on the Screen Designer form.