Contents of the Timesheet Audit Form

Use this form to turn on auditing that tracks the revisions made to employee timesheets, billing labor transfers for timesheet hours, or both.


Field Description
Company Name If you use multiple companies, the name of the active company displays at the top of the form. You turn on timesheet auditing for each company.
Enable Revision Audit Select whether or not to enable revision auditing for timesheets. This auditing tracks the changes that employees, approvers, or timesheet administrators make when they update, delete, submit, or approve a timesheet.

When you select Yes to enable revision auditing, you also:

  • Determine when the auditing starts for timesheets.
  • Set up standard revision explanations for employees and timesheet administrators to enter on timesheets.
The Timesheet Audit Detail report (in Employee Reporting) tracks the following information when you select Enable Revision Audit:
  • The date and time of the change
  • The name of the employee or approver who made the change
  • The action that was taken (update, submit, or approve)
  • The day on the timesheet to which the change applies
  • The fields that were updated, with their original values and new values
  • Revision explanations, if revision explanations are enabled
Revision Audit Frequency This field displays if you set the Enable Revision Audit option to Yes.

Select one of the following options to specify when auditing starts for timesheets:

  • Start When Employee Submits Timesheet: Auditing starts when employees submit a timesheet for the first time. The auditing information on the Timesheet Audit Detail report consists of the employee name and the date and time on which the timesheet was submitted. Auditing continues while the timesheet is in progress.
  • Start When Employee Starts Timesheet: Auditing starts when employees start a timesheet for the first time. If a timesheet is updated and saved frequently, each update is reflected on the Timesheet Audit Detail report. If a timesheet is entered daily, a revision is created each day that the employee enters and saves time.
Require Revision Explanation This field displays if you set the Enable Revision Audit option to Yes.

Select whether or not to require employees and timesheet administrators to enter an explanation when they revise a timesheet. If you require an explanation, you specify when the explanation is entered. When you require revision explanations, the explanations are entered on a timesheet, but they are not listed on the Timesheet Audit Detail report.

The options are:

  • None: Do not require a revision explanation.
  • After the Employee Submits: Require that employees and timesheet administrators enter an explanation for each revision that they make to a timesheet after the timesheet is submitted.
  • After Any Updates Prior to the Current Day: Require that employees and administrators enter an explanation when they revise existing hours entered on a previous day. Changes that are entered for "today" (the date of the current day) do not require an explanation.
Global Revision Explanation This grid displays if you set the Enable Revision Audit option to Yes.

Use this grid to set up standard explanations for employees to select when they enter an explanation for a timesheet revision. The explanations that you enter here display on the Revisions Explanation dialog box that displays when employees make a revision and then save or submit a timesheet.

Click + Add Explanation below the grid to add a row to the grid, and enter a revision explanation in the row.

Click at the end of the revision explanation field to open the Global Revision Explanation dialog box and then format the explanation text, with bolding, bullets, and so on. If does not display, click in the row. You can then do any of the following:

  • Copy: To copy a row to create a new revision explanation, hover over the explanation to copy, click at the end of the row, and select Copy from the shortcut menu. A new row in the grid prefills with the copied text, which you can revise to create the new revision explanation.
  • Delete: To delete a revision explanation from the grid, hover over the explanation, click at the end of the row, and select Delete from the shortcut menu.
  • Sort: To sort the rows in alphabetical ascending or descending order, click or to the right of the grid title.
  • Filter: To filter the list of revision explanations, click to the right of the grid title. In the blank row that is added to the top of the grid enter filter criteria, such as a word in a revision explanation. To clear the filter criteria, select the value in the field and delete it. Click again to close the filter.
Enable Billing Transfer Audit You must have access to Billing for this option to display.

Select whether or not to allow labor transfers of timesheet hours from one project, phase, task, or labor code to another to occur in Interactive Billing or Draft Invoice Approvals. When you select Yes, this allows a biller or project manager to do a labor transfer in Billing without requiring approval from the employee who originally entered the time.

When you enable billing transfers, you can also have a timesheet alert sent to the affected employee after the transfer is processed so that they are aware of the transfer. You set up the Labor Billing Transfer Audit alert in Settings > Time > Alerts. Affected employees (or their supervisor/administrator) receive an alert through the Notification Center. When they click the alert, the Timesheet form opens. On the form, they select Acknowledge Transfers from the Actions drop-down menu. On the Billing Transfer Audit dialog box, they review the transfer information and acknowledge the transfer.

Global Transfer Reason This grid displays if you set the Enable Revision Audit option to Yes.

Use this grid to add standard global transfer reasons for labor transfers that employees can select when they enter billing transfers.

Click + Add Reason below the grid to add a row to the grid, and enter a transfer reason in the row.

Click at the end of the transfer reason field to open the Global Transfer Reason dialog box and format the explanation text, with bolding, bullets, and so on. If does not display, click in the row. You can then do any of the following:
  • Copy: To copy a row to create a new transfer reason, hover over the row to copy, click at the end of the row, and select Copy from the shortcut menu. A new row in the grid prefills with the copied text, which you can revise to create the new transfer reason.
  • Delete: To delete a transfer reason from the grid, hover over it, click at the end of the row, and select Delete from the shortcut menu.
  • Sort: To sort the rows in alphabetical ascending or descending order, hover over the grid title and click or to the right of the grid title.
  • Filter: To filter the list of transfer reasons, click to the right of the grid title. In the blank row that is added to the top of the grid enter filter criteria, such as a word in a transfer reason. To clear the filter criteria, select the value in the field and delete it. Click again to close the filter.