Access to Dashboards

Each user's security role determines both access to the Dashboards form and the type of information that is displayed on it when users view specific dashboards.

You set up a role's access to the Dashboards form on the Overview tab of the Roles form (Settings > Security > Roles). Expand the My Stuff option and select both the My Stuff and Dashboards options.

Access to Specific Dashboards

You set access to individual dashboards on the Share this Dashboard dialog box. To display the dialog box, on the My Dashboard form, click Edit Mode and then select Share. While your role is set up so that members of your security role can access Dashboards, your role also determines the information that is displayed in the actual dashboard. For more information, see Record Level Security.

Apply Dashparts and Dashboards Changes to All Roles

You can save dashpart and dashboard changes across all roles. To do this, go to the Save Rights section on the Overview tab of the Roles form and set the Dashboards and Dashparts option to Save for All Roles.