Contents of the Contribution Rate Table Form

Specify table numbers, names, and contribution rates on the form.

Field Description
Table Number Enter a unique number by which to identify this table. You may want to assign a sequential number to help you quickly identify tables.
Table Name Enter a name for the table.

Contribution Rates Grid

Field Description
Contribution Rates Drop-down

Click the drop-down arrow on a grid header to complete any of the following actions:

  • To print grid data, click Print. On the Print Preview form, click File > Print to send the grid data to your default printer.
  • To export grid data to an Excel spreadsheet, click Export to Excel. When Microsoft Excel opens, use its features to modify, print, or email the grid data, or to save the spreadsheet file locally.
  • To turn on grouping for a grid, click Enable Grouping. When a field displays with the instruction: "Drag a column header here to group by that column," drag and drop column headers into the field, in the sequence that you want them to display.

Not all options are available on all grids.

Insert Click this option to add a row where you can specify the deferred compensation percentage range and the contribution percentage that Vantagepoint will apply to amounts in that range to determine your firm's matching amount.
Delete Select the row in the grid to delete and then click this option.
Percent over The value in this field and the next field determine the percent that you match (contribution percent) on a given employee's deferred compensation amount (withholding). Enter a value in this field to determine the beginning of this range. For example, to apply the contribution percent to all employee withholding amounts between 0% and 3% of the withholding amount, enter 0.00 in this field.

The value in this field must be less than or equal to the value in the Percent up to and including field. Ranges in this grid table cannot overlap. For example, if you insert two rows, and row one's range is from 2-5%, then rows two's range cannot be 3-7%. There can be no gaps between ranges. For example, if you insert two rows, and row one's range is 2-5%, row two cannot be 6-8% because the gap from 5-6% is undefined.

If an employee contributes a fixed amount rather than a percentage of wages, Vantagepoint must turn this amount into a percentage for the contribution rate table to function properly. Vantagepoint calculates the employee's contribution percentage by taking the contribution amount divided by the contribution wages.

The subject to tax amount for the contribution is determined in employer Payroll Contribution Setup. It is not obtained from the subject to tax wages for the linked withholding, if there is a withholding linked via the Withholding field of Payroll Contribution Setup to this contribution code. This could mean that the wages used to determine your employer contribution calculation can differ from (or be the same as) the wages used to determine the employee's percentage of contribution calculation.

Percent up to and including The value in this field and the previous field determine the percent of the employer match (contribution percent) on the amount of a given employee's withholding. Enter a value in this field to determine the end of this range. For example, to apply the contribution percent to all employee withholding amounts between 0% and 3% of the withholding amount, enter 3.00 in this field.
Contribution Percent This is the percent that will be applied to the amount of a given employee's deferred wages to determine the amount your firm will match. For example, if you would match 100% on the first 3% of compensation deferred (withholding) and 50% on amounts between 3% and 5%, you would enter two rows in the grid. You would enter a value of 100.00 in the Contribution Percent field in the first row. You would enter a value of 50.00 in the Contribution Percent field in the second row.