Contents of the Summary Form

Review the sections on this form to see a summary of the entries that are made on each of the Resource Planning settings forms.


Field Description
Company Name If you use multiple companies, the name of the active company displays at the top of the form.
Plan Settings Section View the settings related to project plans that are selected on the Plan Settings form.
Rates Section View the budget type and the cost and billing rate methods, tables, and multipliers used as the defaults for new plans as entered on the Rates form.
Resource Settings Section View the settings that determine how you enter and view resource information for projects as selected on the Resource Settings form.
Revenue Forecast Settings Section View the setting used for revenue calculation when forecasting revenue as selected on the Revenue Forecast Settings form.
Grids Section View a list of the columns to display in the project planning grids on the Plan form in the Projects hub as selected on the Grids form.
Non-Work Days Section View the number of company holidays and the non-work days as entered on the Non-Work Days form.