Contents of the Process Servers Form

Complete the fields on this form to set up your servers.


Field Description
Number of Days to Retain Job History Select this option to save history for completed processes in the queue. The default for this field is to retain process history.
  • If you do not retain process history, process entries are deleted from the queue after they run, fail, or get cancelled. If the process entry has an alert pending, the process entry is deleted after the submitter has been notified.
  • If you do retain process history, process entries are deleted from the queue after the number of days that you enter in this field.

If the job has an alert pending, the process entry is deleted after the specified number of days and only after the submitter has been notified.

Deltek strongly recommends that you do not enter zero, which saves the process history indefinitely.

Number of Day to Retain Errors Use this option to set a limit on the number of days that the server retains error reports for successful processing runs. Deltek strongly recommends that you do not enter zero, which saves the reports indefinitely.

Application Servers Grid

Field Description
Server Name This field displays the names of existing application servers. You can enter a new server name. You can enter the name of the server on which the Process Server Service is running. If you leave this field blank, Vantagepoint assumes that the Process Server Service is running on the Web Server.
+ New Application Server Click this link to insert a new row in the grid.

Process Queues Grid

Field Description
Name Enter a name by which to identify this process queue. The queue name should be descriptive. This name displays wherever process queue information is displayed and may be selected.
Dedicated Server If you want to dedicate a queue to a specific server, select the server in this field. Only that process server will run jobs on that queue. This is useful if you want a particular machine to run jobs of a particular type. For example, you may want all large jobs to run on the most powerful machine.
Max Enter the maximum number of jobs that will run concurrently in this queue, regardless of how many jobs are actually in the queue. Enter zero for no limit.
Priority Enter the priority of the process queue, zero being the highest priority.
Status This field displays the status of the queue: Running or Stopped.
This icon displays at the end of the row when you click or hover over a grid row. Click the icon to select one of these actions:
  • Pause: Select a job in the grid and click this grid option to pause it.
  • Continue: Select a paused job in the grid and click this grid option to continue it.
  • Delete: Select a job in the grid and click this grid option to delete it.
+ New Process Queue Click this link to insert a new row in the grid.
Save Click this button to save your changes.