Contents of the Invoice Credit Dialog Box

Use these fields and options to view and modify information for a credit memo that you are creating in Interactive Billing.



Field Description
Date This field displays the date that is entered in the Invoice Date field of the Billing Session Options dialog box. This is the credit memo date that displays on the credit memo and on Accounts Receivable reports.
Project This field displays the name and number of the project to which this credit memo applies. The project name is a hyperlink. Click it to open an information box and view summary information about the project. Click the Open in Projects link in the box to open the complete project record in Hubs > Projects > Project.
Phase This field displays the phase (WBS2) name to which this credit memo applies, if applicable. This field is for reference purposes only.
Task This field displays the task (WBS3) name to which this credit memo applies, if applicable. This field is for reference purposes only.
Transaction Currency If you use multiple currencies in Vantagepoint, this field displays the transaction currency for the invoice.
Client This field displays the name of the billing client from the original invoice. The client name is a hyperlink. Click it to open an information box and view summary information about the client. Click the More... link in the box to open the complete client record in Hubs > Firms > Firms.

Project Detail Grid

This grid prefills with a row for each detailed item on the original invoice. If you selected to create the credit memo for the original amount of the invoice each detailed item that prefills in the grid is listed with the original invoice amount as a negative amount in the Amount field. If you selected to not create the credit memo for the original amount of the invoice, each detailed item that prefills in the grid has 0 entered in the amount fields.

Click an item in the grid to open the row in edit mode, so you can change the amount, account, retainage, and so on as needed for the credit memo.

You can also add a new detailed item to the credit memo using the + Add Project Detail link below the grid. A blank row is added to the grid in which you enter information and a negative amount for the detailed item to be credited.

Project Detail Toolbar Options

Field Description
Click this icon to maximize the grid to a full screen display. This expanded view reduces the need to scroll through long lists of records. Click it again to return to the standard grid display. For more information, see Maximize the Grid View.
Click this icon to select the columns to include in the grid. The columns available for the grid include both standard fields and user-defined fields that are used in the corresponding application area. For more information see Select Columns for a Grid.

Click to filter the grid contents based on column values. For information about how the filter works, see Filter the Grid Results.

Project Detail Grid Tools

Field Description
+ Add Project Detail Click this link below the grid to add a new line item to the credit memo. A new blank row is inserted below the current row in the grid for the new line item. Complete the fields in this row for the credit memo.

Hover over a row in the grid, and click this icon at the end of the row. Then select one of the following options to apply to that row:

  • Copy: Select this option to add a new line item to the credit memo by copying the line item you selected in the grid. Modify the copied line item as needed.
  • Delete: Select this option to delete the selected line item from the credit memo.
  • Currency Override: If you use multiple currencies in Vantagepoint, select this option to override currency exchange information for the credit memo in the Currency Override dialog box. In this dialog box you can choose None, Date, or Rate in the Exchange Override field.

Project Detail Grid Fields

Below is a list of all possible fields that you can add to this grid using on the grid toolbar.

Below the grid, you see a total for the Amount and Retainage columns for the credit memo. The credit memo amount cannot exceed the invoice balance amount .

Field Description
Account This field prefills with the revenue account from the original invoice. You can select a different account from the drop-down list. This is the revenue account to which the credit memo line item will be applied. For new line items that you add, select a revenue account for the credit memo in this field.
Account Name This field displays the name of the general ledge account that is entered in the Account field.
Invoice Section

This field prefills with the invoice section name, such as Fee, Labor, or Expense, from the original invoice for the line item. The invoice section name determines where the credit amount displays on the credit memo.

WARNING: When a row in this grid prefills from the original invoice, you should not change the section name if an amount is associated with that section. Doing this can cause the amount to be posted to an incorrect general ledger account.

When you add a line item to the credit memo, select the invoice section for the item.

Tax Code

For line items that are tax amounts, this column prefills with the tax code from the original invoice. When you enter a negative amount in the Amount column for a tax code, the tax basis is calculated automatically and prefills in the Tax Basis field in this grid.

This column displays only if you use the Tax Auditing feature, which you turn on in Settings > Cash Management > Options, and then set up tax codes in Settings > Cash Management > Tax Codes.


Enter the amount for the credit memo line item. The amount that you enter cannot be more than the invoice balance amount. Enter a negative amount for credit memos.

If you selected Yes on the dialog box that displayed before the Invoice Credit dialog box opened, which asked "Do you want default credit amounts equal to the original invoice amounts?," the Amount column prefills with a negative amount for the original invoice amount. For example, if the original invoice amount is $500, the Amount column prefills with -$500. You can enter a different amount.

If you selected No on the dialog box that asked "Do you want default credit amounts equal to the original invoice amounts?," this column does not prefill with a value. Enter a negative amount that does not exceed the original invoice amount.


Enter any retainage for a credit memo as a positive number.

If you selected Yes on the dialog box that displayed before the Invoice Credit dialog box opened, which asked "Do you want default credit amounts equal to the original invoice amounts?," this field prefills with a positive retainage amount. This is the retainage amount that was applied to the original invoice (for the invoice section entered for the line item), but it is positive amount rather than a negative amount. You can change this amount.

If you selected No on the dialog box that asked "Do you want default credit amounts equal to the original invoice amounts?," this field does not prefill with a retainage value.

This column is available only if you set Use Retainage to Yes in Settings > Billing > Options.

Tax Basis

When you enter a credit amount (negative amount) in the Amount field, the tax basis is calculated automatically and prefills in the Tax Basis field.

This column displays only if you use the Tax Auditing feature, which you turn on in Settings > Cash Management > Options, and then set up tax codes in Settings > Cash Management > Tax Codes.


Select this check box to indicate that the amount for this line item must be treated as a retainer for the project and invoice.

This check box applies only if the credit item that is entered in a row has Add-on entered in the Invoice Section field.

This column displays only if Use Retainers is set to Yes in Settings > Billing > Options.


Field Description
Accept When you click this button, one of the following dialog boxes displays based on whether or not you are allowed to change invoice numbers. (The setting that controls this is Allow Changes to Next Invoice Number in Settings > Billing > Options.)
  • Assign Invoice dialog box: This displays if you are allowed to change the invoice number. Select the next automatically assigned invoice number or enter a different number for the credit memo.
  • A dialog box displays if you are not allowed to change the invoice number. Click OK to assign the next available invoice number. You can also click Cancel to return to the previous window without assigning the next available invoice number.
Cancel Click this button to close the Invoice Credit dialog box without creating a credit memo.