Review Cash Requirements for a Vendor Payment Run

Before you generate vendor payments, you can view reports that show you the total cash needed to pay the vouchers in a vendor payment run.

These steps are valid when reviewing cash requirements for any type of vendor payment run.

To review cash requirements for a vendor payment run:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Cash Management > Vendor Payments.
  2. On the Vendor Payments form, create a new payment run, or use the search fields to open a saved payment run whose current step is selecting vouchers or printing vouchers.
    In the search results list, runs that are ready for selecting vouchers or printing payments have the words Selecting or Printing after the run number and date.
  3. After you select vouchers to pay on the Select Vouchers page of the Vendor Payments form, do either of the following:
    • On the Select Vouchers page, click Other Actions, and then click Bank Cash Requirements or Cash Requirements Report.
    • On the Printing and Numbering page (that opens after you click Process Payments on the Select Vouchers page), click Other Actions, and then click Bank Cash Requirements or Cash Requirements Report.
    For more information about the Cash Requirements report and Bank Cash Requirements, see Cash Requirements Report and Bank Cash Requirements.