Use a Quick Find to Locate a Search

The Quick Find displays on the Searches List and allows you to enter all or part of a search's information to locate and open the search.

To use a Quick Find to locate a search:

  1. Open the Searches List.
  2. Click in the Quick Find field and begin entering the search's name.
    • If you enter a single character, Vantagepoint searches for every search beginning with that character.
    • If you enter more than one character, Vantagepoint searches for every search that contains that string of characters.
    • For whole word searches, enter a space before and after the word to search for only that word.
    • If you use the Multicompany feature, Vantagepoint displays all searches that match the characters entered, with company specific data for each.

    If the information that you enter matches only one search in the database, the search automatically opens. If the information produces more than one result, a list that includes all matching searches displays.

  3. Select a search and the associated records will display in the records list.