Change the Forecast Range for a Resource Management Report

Use the Change Forecast Range dialog box to specify the range of time periods included on the report. If you display calendar periods on the report, the forecast range settings also determine the number of calendar period columns, the length (day, week, or month) of each period, and the starting period.

To change the forecast range:
  1. In the Navigation pane, select Resource Management > Reporting.
  2. Click next to Forecast Range in the upper-right corner of the form.
  3. In the Change Forecast Period dialog box, select any or all of the following options:
    • In Scale, select an option to indicate whether you want the calendar period columns to represent days, weeks, or months.
    • In Duration, select the number of forecast range periods. For example, if you select Weeks in Scale and 8 in Duration, the report includes eight weeks of planning data, and if you set up the report to display calendar period columns, the report displays eight period columns, each containing planning data for a week. The duration options vary depending on the scale you selected. (To display calendar period columns, you must also include Forecast Range among the columns selected for the report.)
    • In Start Date/Week/Month, select the first day, week or month in the forecast range. Note that for the forecast range in Resource Management Reporting, you can select a start date prior to the ETC date and JTD date. However, when Month is selected in Scale, the starting month cannot be more than five years in the past or more than one year in the future, to ensure that the report displays in a reasonable amount of time.
  4. Click Change.

    Vantagepoint refreshes the report based on the new forecast period settings.


Title Description

Resource Management: Reporting (On-Screen List Report)

Learn how to generate reports in Resource Management. You specify which resources are included, the level of the WBS for which you want to see data, and the columns displayed on the report.