Contents of the Resource Settings Form

Use the Resource Settings form to specify utilization and schedule thresholds and to turn on soft and hard booking.

If your enterprise uses multiple companies, these settings apply to all companies.


Field Description
Utilization Thresholds Use this slider to specify the thresholds that determine if employees are properly utilized. Drag one indicator along the slider scale to the lowest percentage of an employee's utilization target that is considered properly utilized. Drag the other indicator to the highest percentage of an employee's utilization target that is considered properly utilized. You can set the thresholds to any whole percentages.

Example: You set the lowest percentage to 95 and the highest percentage to 105. If an employee's target utilization is 80 percent, that employee is considered properly utilized for a given period if their utilization is between 76 percent (.95 x 80) and 84 percent (1.05 x 80). The employee is underutilized if their utilization is below 76 percent, and over-utilized if it is above 84 percent.

A description of the thresholds based on your settings displays below the scale.

Resource View and the Resource Utilization by Organization report use these settings to highlight employee utilization status using color: gray (properly scheduled), blue (under-scheduled), red (over-scheduled).

Scheduled Thresholds Use this slider to specify the thresholds that determine if employees are properly scheduled. Drag one indicator along the slider scale to the lowest scheduled percentage of available hours that is considered properly scheduled. Drag the other indicator to the highest scheduled percentage of available hours that is considered properly scheduled. You can set the thresholds to any whole percentages.

Example: You set the lowest percentage to 95 and the highest percentage to 105. If an employee's available hours for a week is 40, that employee is considered properly scheduled if they are scheduled for between 38 hours (.95 x 40) and 42 hours (1.05 x 40). The employee is under-scheduled if their scheduled hours are less than 38, and over-scheduled if their hours exceed 42.

A description of the thresholds based on your settings displays below the scale.

Resource View and the Resource Utilization by Organization report use these settings to highlight employee scheduling status using color: gray (properly scheduled), blue (under-scheduled), red (over-scheduled).

Use Soft and Hard Booking for Assignments

To turn on the option to designate resource assignments as "soft" (tentative) or "hard" (confirmed or approved), select Yes.

The soft and hard book feature enables you to distinguish between tentative or placeholder resource assignments and those confirmed or approved assignments that you consider a permanent part of the plan. When you generate planning reports, you can filter those reports to include or exclude assignments based on booking status if you include the Booking column on the report.

When you turn on this option, no security roles have the access rights to hard book assignments. Before users can hard book assignments, you must also select Allow to Hard Book Planned Hours on the Planning tab of the Roles form in Security Settings, for those security roles that are authorized to hard book assignments.

If you turn on soft and hard booking and later decide to turn off the feature, all existing assignments are automatically set to soft booked. If you then reactivate booking, they remain soft booked. The hard booked status is not restored to those assignments that had it before.