Manually Match Imported Bank Transactions With Posted Records

In Bank Statement Reconciliation, you can manually match posted bank records with imported bank records.

To manually match imported bank transactions with posted records:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Cash Management > Bank Reconciliation.
  2. On the Bank Reconciliation form, select an existing bank reconciliation record.
  3. In the Imported Records grid on the Import tab, hover over an imported bank transaction entry and click View Details.
    Imported bank transactions have an amount in the Receipt or Payment field in the grid. You can also click the amount to display the Match Transaction dialog box.
  4. On the Match Transactions dialog box, select one or more posted records in the Suggested or All grid.
    The Suggested grid displays posted records that fall within the parameters (number of days and amount range) set on the Matching Suggestions dialog box, available from the Import tab of Settings > Cash Management > Banks. By default, the All grid displays unmatched posted records that are of the same type (deposit or payment) as the imported record.
  5. Click the Select check box for the posted records that match the imported bank transaction and click Save.
    The Matched check box displays as selected for the specific transaction entry.