Monitor Marketing Campaigns Results

Review fields on the Summary pane to understand the effectiveness of a campaign.

To review the results of a marketing campaign:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Hubs > Marketing Campaigns > Marketing Campaigns.
  2. Use the search field above the marketing campaign name to search for and select the campaign for which you want to check results.
  3. Review the Goals fields in the Summary pane.
    Use these fields to compare the potential and actual revenue from projects that you are pursuing or have won as a result of the marketing campaign to the revenue goal for the marketing campaign. This is useful for understanding the effectiveness of a marketing campaign. If you use multiple currencies, these amounts are translated to the marketing campaign's currency.
    • Revenue Goal: The amount of revenue your enterprise seeks to generate from the marketing campaign.
    • Actual Revenue: The total expected revenue for won projects that are associated with the marketing campaign.
    • Potential Revenue: The total estimated revenue (not weighted revenue) for active in pursuit projects that are associated with the marketing campaign.
  4. Review the Results fields to assess the response statistics for the campaign:
    • Responses
    • Awarded projects: projects currently assigned to a won stage
    • Total projects: all projects associated with the marketing campaign, regardless of assigned stage
    • Qualified contacts
    • Firms