Columns for the Employee Export Report

You can select the columns to display on your report.


Field Description
Address1-4 These columns display record's address information (street name and number, suite number, postal box number, and so on).
Allow Charge Labor Code This Yes/No column indicates whether or not the employee can charge time to a labor code other than the default labor code.
Billing Status This column displays the billing status of the labor hours. The following are the possible status settings:
  • B: Billable: The transaction is released and available for billing to the client.
  • D: To Be Deleted: The transaction is marked for deletion.
  • F: Final Billed: The transaction has been billed to the client.
  • H: Held: The transaction is being held temporarily to prevent billing to the client.
  • M: Modified: The transaction has been modified in some way from its original form.
  • N: Not Billable: The transaction is not billable.
  • O: Deleted: The transaction was marked for deletion, included in a billing run, and deleted.
  • R: Partial Hold/Released: Part of the transaction has been held or released.
  • T: Transferred: The transaction was moved from one project, phase, or task to another.
  • W: To Be Written Off: The transaction has been written off, but the invoice has not been posted.
  • X: Written Off: The transaction has been written off, and the invoice has been posted.
Check Hours This Yes/No column indicates whether or not Vantagepoint automatically checks the hours entered on the employee's timesheet and compares them to the expected hours per day.
City This column displays the city from the record's address.
Country This column displays the country from the record's address.
Create Date This column displays the date on which the record was created.
Create User This column displays the Vantagepoint user ID of the employee who created the record.
Current Billing Extension This column displays the extended amount (hours x rate) based on the current billing terms.
Current Overtime Amount This column displays the cost amount for overtime hours for the task, phase, or project for the current accounting period. Vantagepoint calculates overtime costs as follows:
  • For hourly employees: Overtime hours x Hourly labor cost rate x Overtime percentage.
  • For salaried employees: Overtime hours x Annualized hourly rate x Overtime percentage. (Annualized hourly rate = Annual salary / Estimated annual regular hours. Estimated annual regular hours = Hours per week x 52.)
Current Overtime Hours This column displays the standard overtime hours for the current period.
Current Regular Amount This column displays the cost amount for regular hours for the task, phase, or project for the current accounting period. Vantagepoint calculates this amount as follows: the regular hours worked multiplied by the labor cost rate.
Current Regular Hours This column displays the regular hours for the current period.
Current Special Overtime Amount This column displays the cost amount for special overtime hours for the task, phase, or project for the current accounting period.
Current Special Overtime Hours This column displays the number of special overtime hours for the task, phase, or project for the current accounting period.
Default Expense Location This column displays the default expense location for the employee if Tax Auditing is enabled.
Default Labor Codes Level 1-5 These columns display the default values specified for the employee for labor code levels in the Employees hub. The column names depend on the structure of your labor codes. For example, if one level of your labor codes is Department, the column available for this report is Default Department.
Email This column displays the record's email address.
Email Expense Remittance This Yes/No column indicates whether or not the employee receives a printed copy of payroll remittance information.
Email Payroll Remittance This Yes/No column indicates whether or not the employee receives payroll remittance information by email.
Employee Number This column displays the employee's identification number.
Expense Report Admin Edit This Yes/No column indicates whether or not the employee can edit expense reports to which they have access.
Expense Report Admin Level This column displays the expense report administrative level for the employee.
Level What the Employee Can Do
Staff The employee has access to expense reports, but cannot modify system-level settings, group-level settings, or options in Expense Report Settings.
Group The employee has access to expense report settings that are related to their group. The employee can:
  • View expense report administrator settings.
  • Review and change the status of expense reports for employees in their group.
  • Change the passwords of employees in their group.
System The employee has access to all options in Expense Report Settings. The employee can do the following:
  • Define expense report categories.
  • Establish employee expense report groups.
  • Set employee access to expense reports.
  • Enable passwords for expense reports.
  • Set expense report options.
  • Monitor and change the status of expense reports.

At least one employee in your enterprise must have system-level access.

Expense Report Group This column displays the expense report group for which this employee has access to expense reports.
Fax This column displays the fax number for the record.
First Name This column displays the record's first name.
Fiscal Period This column displays the accounting period for the transaction.
Full Name This column displays the record's full name: Prefix, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Suffix.
Hire Date This column displays the date on which the employee was hired.
Home Phone This column displays the record's home telephone number.
Hours Per Day This column displays the number of hours per day that the employee is generally expected to work.
Is Vendor This Yes/No column indicates whether or not the firm record is classified as a vendor in terms of projects. Firms are classified as vendors based on selections in the Firms hub.
Job Cost Ovt Pct This column displays the percentage of the employee's hourly wage that is applied as costs to projects when the employee works standard overtime hours.
Job Cost Ovt-2 Pct This column displays the percentage of the employee's hourly wage that is applied as costs to projects when the employee works special overtime hours. This column is available only if you set Enable Secondary Overtime to Yes in Settings > Accounting > Labor Options.
Job Cost Rate This column displays the rate at which Vantagepoint applies the employee's hours as costs to projects. You specify the employee job cost rate on the Accounting tab of the Employees hub.
Job Cost Type This column displays the employee's job cost type: Hourly or Salary. Vantagepoint uses the job cost type when it calculates the employee’s job cost rate for hours charged to a project.
JTD Billing Extension This column displays the job-to-date extended amount (hours x rate) based on the current billing terms.
JTD Overtime Amount This column displays the job-to-date cost amount for overtime hours.
JTD Overtime Hours This column displays the job-to-date standard overtime hours.
JTD Regular Amount This column displays the job-to-date cost amount for regular hours.
JTD Regular Hours This column displays the job-to-date regular hours.
JTD Special Overtime Amount This column displays the job-to-date cost amount for special overtime hours.
JTD Special Overtime Hours This column displays the number of job-to-date special overtime hours.
Labor Code This column displays the labor code to which the employee charged time. An employee may be assigned different labor codes on different projects, if they are performing different types of work.
Labor Type This column displays the labor posting type (for example, Principal, Manager, or Employee). You use a labor posting type when you want to specify direct and indirect labor accounts. You define labor types in the Labor Types grid of the Labor Posting settings form in Settings > Accounting > Labor Posting.
Last Name This column displays the record's last name.
Memo This column displays the notes entered in the Memo field on the Overview tab of the respective hub.
Middle Name This column displays the record's middle name or initial.
Mobile Phone This column displays the record's cellular phone number.
Modify Date This column displays the date on which the record was most recently modified.
Modify User This column displays the user ID of the person who most recently modified the record.
Organization If your enterprise uses organizations, this column displays the organization to which the employee is assigned.
Organization Status This column displays the status (active, inactive, or dormant) of the organization that is associated with the record.
Pay OVT Pct This column displays the percentage applied to the employee's payroll rate to calculate standard overtime wages.
Pay OVT - 2 Pct This column displays the percentage to apply to the employee's payroll rate to calculate special overtime wages.

This column is available only if you set Enable Secondary Overtime to Yes in Settings > Accounting > Labor Options.

Pay Rate For salaried employees, this column displays the employee's actual pay amount for each payroll period. For hourly employees, it displays their hourly pay rate.
Pay Type This column displays the employee's pay type: Hourly or Salary.
Phase This column displays the identifier of the phase for which the employee entered time.
Phase Name This column displays the name of the phase.
Posting Sequence This column displays the posting sequence number for the payroll run. Vantagepoint assigns the number 1 to the first group of transactions posted during an accounting period, the number 2 to the second group, and so on. Vantagepoint assigns the letter C to any transactions created using history loading, to indicate that the transaction is a result of a conversion or transfer.

To see a numbered list of all of the postings for the current accounting period, select Transaction Center > Posting Review in the Navigation pane.

Prefix This column displays the prefix or salutation used with the individual's name (for example, Mr., Mrs., or Ms.).
Project This column displays the identifier of the project for which the employee entered time.
Project Name This column displays the name of the project.
Provisional Bill Ovt Pct This column displays the percentage used to calculate labor charges at billing rates for unposted overtime hours for the employee.
Provisional Cost Ovt-2 Pct This column displays the percentage used to calculate labor charges at cost rates for unposted special overtime hours for the employee. This column is available only if your security role has access to employee cost rates and you set Enable Secondary Overtime to Yes in Settings > Accounting > Labor Options.
Provisional Billing Rate This column displays the billing rate used to calculate labor charges at billing for unposted timesheet entries for the employee.
Provisional Cost Ovt Pct This column displays the percentage used to calculate labor charges at cost rates for unposted overtime hours for the employee. This column is only available if your security role has access to employee cost rates.
Provisional Cost Ovt-2 Pct This column displays the percentage used to calculate labor charges at cost rates for unposted special overtime hours for the employee. This column is available only if your security role has access to employee cost rates and you set Enable Secondary Overtime to Yes in Settings > Accounting > Labor Options.
Provisional Cost Rate This column displays the cost rate used to calculate labor charges at cost for unposted timesheet entries for the employee. This column is only available if your security role has access to employee cost rates.
Raise Date This column displays the date of the employee's last pay increase.
Social Security Number This column displays the person's Social Security number.
Special Overtime Percentage This column displays the employee's special overtime percentage. Vantagepoint uses the special overtime percentage to calculate the special overtime rates for transactions: Special overtime rate = Employee's hourly rate x Employee's special overtime percentage.
Special Overtime Rate This column displays the rate applied to special overtime hours to calculate the special overtime amount for the transaction. Vantagepoint calculates the special overtime rate as follows: Employee's hourly rate x Employee's secondary overtime percentage.
State This column displays the two-character abbreviation for the state from the record's address.
Status This column displays the status of the employee: Active, Inactive, Terminated, or Terminated (cannot reactivate).
Suffix This column displays the suffix used with the individual's name (for example, Jr., Sr., or Esq.)
Supervisor This column displays the name of the supervisor for the record.
Talent Management User ID

This field displays when Vantagepoint is integrated with the Talent Management application. Talent Management assigns a value for this field when a new employee record is created and then sent to Vantagepoint. For employee records created in Vantagepoint, this field gets populated after a data run, where Vantagepoint sends the employee record to Talent Management and Talent Management sends back the record to Vantagepoint.

Target Ratio This column displays the percentage of the employee's time that you expect to be charged to regular projects (projects that produce revenue).
Task This column displays the identifier of the task to which the employee charged time.
Task Name This column displays the name of the task.
Tax Reg. # This column displays the firm's tax registration number. This is the number that is assigned by each country and used for tax reporting
Termination Date If the employee is terminated, this column displays the date on which the employee last worked for your firm.
Timesheet Admin Edit This Yes/No column indicates whether or not the employee can edit timesheets to which they have access.
Timesheet Admin Level This column displays the timesheet administrative level for the employee. The following are the available levels:
  • Staff: The employee has access to timesheets for all employees at the staff level.
  • Group: The employee has access to timesheets for all employees within a specific group.
  • System: The employee has access to timesheets for all groups and employees.

At least one employee in your firm must have system-level access.

Timesheet Group This column displays the timesheet group for which this employee has access to timesheets.
Title This column displays the person's job title or job function.
Transaction Date If you select Transaction Detail as a sorting/grouping option, this column displays the date entered for the transaction for all transactions except automatic postings. For automatic postings, this column displays the period-ending date for the file of transactions that generated the posting.
Transaction Type This column displays one of the following types of transaction:
  • TS: Timesheet transaction
  • LA: Labor adjustment transaction
Use Total Hrs as Std

This Yes/No column indicates how Vantagepoint calculates and displays standard hours or amounts for employee on the Time Analysis report:

  • Y: Yes indicates that Vantagepoint uses the total hours worked to determine the standard current, month-to-date (MTD), and year-to-date (YTD) hours or amounts.
  • N: No indicates that Vantagepoint calculates the standard hours or amounts using a formula specified in the employee record.
Vendor Name If the employee is a vendor or consultant, this column displays the vendor name.
Vendor Number If the employee is a vendor or consultant, this column displays the vendor number assigned to the employee.
Work Phone This column displays the record's work or office related phone number.
Years With Other Firms This column displays the number of years that the employee worked for other firms.
YTD Billing Extension This column displays the year-to-date extended amount (hours x rate) based on the current billing terms.
YTD Overtime Amount This column displays the year-to-date cost amount for overtime hours.
YTD Overtime Hours This column displays the year-to-date standard overtime hours.
YTD Regular Amount This column displays the year-to-date cost amount for regular hours.
YTD Regular Hours This column displays the year-to-date regular hours.
YTD Special Overtime Amount This column displays the year-to-date cost amount for special overtime hours.
YTD Special Overtime Hours This column displays the number of year-to-date special overtime hours.
Zip This columns displays the ZIP code from the record's address.