Cash Requirements Options Tab

Use the Options tab to select report options for the Cash Requirements report.

Detail Options

Field Description
Format Select one of the following formats:
  • Voucher Detail: This setting displays voucher line detail for each vendor.
  • Voucher Summary: This setting displays a summary of voucher detail for each vendor.

    If you select either the Voucher Detail or the Voucher Summary format, the Bank Code option displays.

  • Vendor Summary: This setting displays totals for the vendor, without any voucher detail.

The format displays as part of the report name.

Liability Code This option is available in the Detail Options section on the Options tab only if you select either the Voucher Detail or the Voucher Summary option in theFormat field.

To include only vouchers that were posted to a specific liability code, enter the liability code. The report displays only those vendors with vouchers posted to that liability code. If you use multiple companies, the list includes only those liability codes that are valid for the active company. This is based on the organization code specified in Organization in the Liability Codes grid on the Liability Accounts tab in Settings > Cash Management > Accounts Payable.

Exclude Negative Payments Select this check box to exclude vendors for which the net amount due for all vouchers included on the report (the vendor total in the To be Paid column) is a negative amount. Whether or not you select this option, the report always includes vendors with a positive net amount due. If a vendor has some vouchers with a negative amount but has a positive net amount due, the report displays information for both the negative and positive vouchers.
Bank Code This option displays in the Detail Options section on the Options tab when you select either the Voucher Detail or the Voucher Summary option in the Format field.

To include only the vouchers that were posted to a specific bank code, use this option to select the bank code. The report displays only those vendors with vouchers posted to that bank code. If you use multiple companies, the list contains only those bank codes that are valid for the active company. This is based on the organization code specified in Organization on the Options tab in Settings > Cash Management > Banks).

Time Frame Options

Field Description
Payment Date

Select one of the following to indicate the date for which you want to know cash requirements:

  • Today's Date: The report uses the current date.
  • Specific Date: The report uses the date that you specify.
  • Accounting Period End Date: The report uses the last day of the current accounting period.

This option applies only to vouchers with payment terms set to Date. Vantagepoint includes vouchers due for payment on or before the date that you specify.

Multicurrency Options

Field Description
Payment Currency To include only vouchers with a specific payment currency, select the currency. The payment currency for a voucher is the currency for the account that is assigned to the voucher's bank code. You select that currency in the Currency Code field in Settings > General Ledger > Chart of Accounts.
Report In

Select the currency in which to display amounts on the report:

  • Payment Currency: Select this setting to use the currency that you specify for the Payment Currency option.
  • Presentation Currency: Select this setting to use the currency that you specify for the Presentation Currency option.