Expense Report Approvals and Workflows Added With Screen Designer

If you use an approval workflow for expense reports in Time & Expense and you use the Screen Designer to add workflow buttons to the General tab of the Expense Report form, you should take certain precautions to avoid interfering with other workflows.

You must make sure that the scheduled workflows for the workflow buttons created in Screen Designer do not interfere with what the Expense Report approval workflow is doing, or the approval workflow may fail.

For example, if a scheduled workflow that you added as a workflow button using Screen Designer changes the status of an expense report, this could cause problems because the approval workflow for the expense report is expecting a particular status at certain times during the approval process. If a workflow created in Screen Designer interrupts this, then the approval workflow will fail to work.

You create an approval workflow for Expense Report in Settings > Workflow > Approval Workflows in the desktop application and enable the approval workflow in Settings > Expense in the browser application.

You create scheduled workflows for a Screen Designer workflow button in Settings > Workflow > Scheduled Workflows.