Activities Overview Tab

The Overview tab in the Activities hub provides a snapshot of the selected activity: description and location, stakeholders in your enterprise, and a variety of other characteristics of the activity.


When you click the add record option on the form to add a new record to the hub, you enter information in the fields on this tab. To edit information on this tab after you save a new record, hover over a field name and click to open the field in edit mode. Alternatively, you can use the Actions bar and select Edit to edit any fields on any of the tabs in the hub without having to hover over a field name and click . Some fields, such as calculated fields, cannot be edited.

The field descriptions in this topic describe how to enter information for a new record.

The top section of the Activity form contains general information about your activity, such as dates, time, location, activity type, priority, and notes.


This set of field information contains information about an activity's start and end dates, reminders, recurrence patterns, whether or not the activity is an all day event and if it is private, and how the activity should be shown (Busy, Tentative, or Free) in Calendar.

Field Description
Start Date Select the start date and start time for the activity.
End Date Select the end date and end time for the activity.
Reminder If you want to receive a reminder at a specific time prior to the start of the activity, select this option and specify the timeframe. You can choose to receive email activity reminders, pop-up activity reminders, or both. You can change the way that you receive activity reminders at any time. To do so, click My Preferences on the toolbar and then, on the General tab of the Preferences dialog box, use the Remind Me About Activities option to specify the type of reminders that you want to receive.
All Day Event Select this option if the activity will last for an entire day. When you select this option, the activity start time displays as 8:00 AM and the activity end time displays as 5:00 PM. You can change these times.
Private Select this option to classify the activity as private. Details for a private activity can be viewed only by the attendees of the activity. If you are an attendee of a private meeting, the actual subject line displays on the Activity dialog box and you can open the activity and edit it based on your calendar access rights.
Repeats If the activity is recurring, specify the type of recurrence as well as the end date for the recurrence:
  • None: There is no recurrence (default).
  • Daily: Select this option to repeat the activity on a daily basis. The related options allow you to specify the number of days, every day, or only weekdays.
  • Weekly: Select this option to repeat the activity on a weekly basis. The related options allow you to specify the actual week and days of the week for the activity.
  • Monthly: Select this option to repeat the activity on a monthly basis. You can specify the actual date, week, and month for the activity to repeat.
  • Yearly: Select this option to repeat the activity on a yearly basis. You can specify the actual year, date, week, and month for the activity to repeat.
Show Time As Select an option that indicates how participants' time is classified, such as Busy or Tentative, on their calendar for the duration of the activity.
Location Enter the location where the activity will occur.
Type Select a descriptive type for the activity, such as Meeting or Teleconference. The type of the activity determines whether it displays in the calendar.

To define activity type options, use the Activity Type List in Settings > Labels and Lists > Lists. See your system administrator for information about adding values to this list.

Priority Select a priority ranking that indicates the relative importance of individual activities: High, Medium, or Low.
Notes Enter any notes related to the activity. You can use the text editor to enter text directly in this field. After a note is entered and saved, a displays in the grid row to indicate that a note exists for the activity. If no notes are entered, a displays instead. Click the icon in the grid row to open the Notes dialog box and enter details.


Use the Stakeholders fields to assign the attendees and firms that are related to the activity. Stakeholder refers to any person or business entity that is involved in an activity. Stakeholders can include your company's employees as well as external contacts, clients, vendors, and their associated firms.

Field Description
Attendees The Attendees grid lists all the attendees and their associated firms who are scheduled to participate in the activity. Attendees include both contacts and employees. Click + Add Attendees to specify the attendees to assign to this activity. As a rule, the first contact you add to the attendees list is the primary contact; however, you can change the primary designation at any time. By default, the person who creates the activity is the Owner. You can also change the owner to a different employee if you wish. Click the arrow and select Make Primary or Make Owner to change the status as needed.
Firms A firm is any type of business or entity external to your company, including clients, vendors, government agencies, trade associations, and competitors. Click + Add Firms to specify the firms to assign to this activity. If this is the primary firm associated with the activity, click the arrow and select Primary. If the status changes and the firm is no longer primary, you can click the arrow and remove the primary status or select another firm as the primary. Only one firm can be designated as primary.


Use the Associations fields to select project and marketing campaign hub records that you want to associate with the activity. If your administrator has created user-defined hubs with activities, then lookups for those hubs also appear in this section.

Field Description
Project Click the arrow and select the project that is associated with the activity. You can enter part of the project name or number to quickly find it in the list. Click the blue, underlined name to display the info bubble that contains information about the project.
Marketing Campaign Click the arrow and select the marketing campaign that is associated with the activity. You can enter part of the name or number to quickly find it in the list. Click the blue, underlined name to display the info bubble that contains information about the marketing campaign.
User Defined Hubs Your administrator may have created one or more user defined hubs to track information that could not be tracked in a standard hub. Click + Add link to add a user defined hub record to an activity.