Activities Hub

Activities allow you to monitor customer relationship management touches. Your activities can include phone calls, meetings, tasks, and other important business functions.

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Activities Hub

The Activities hub provides quick access to key information about the activities associated with your clients, contacts, projects. The Activities hub is comprised of the Activity form and a set of tabs that provide overview and more detailed information about the activity, its type, purpose, and participants. Use the Activities hub to review and schedule activities, as well as upload and manage URLs and documents relevant to the activity (such as, a web site or published information about an project, consultant or client). You can also link those activities to other hubs.

The Activities hub shares activity data with many other applications, including the Dashboard, Contacts (both qualified and leads), Firms (clients and vendors), Projects, Marketing Campaigns, Employees, and your user-defined hubs. When you add, modify, or delete activity information from the Activities tab in any one of these hubs, your modifications are immediately available in the other hubs. You can also add touchpoints from several hubs via the Actions bar. A touchpoint is a streamlined activity that has fewer fields in order to quickly add a note to a hub record.

You must own one of the following applications to use the Calendar: Resource Planning, CRM, or Mobile Time & Expense. To use activities on the Calendar, you must own CRM.

Tab Purpose
Overview Review and edit key data, such as the activity description and other addresses.
Files & Links Upload, view, and store documents that are related to the current activity record. You can also add links to external text files, graphics files, or email messages. Note that this tab name changes from Files & Links to the Links tab when FileStream (a Microsoft SQL Server feature) is not in use.

Activities tab

You can manage activities from the Activities tab in the Firms, Contacts, Employees, Marketing Campaigns, and Projects hubs, as well as some user-defined hubs. You can review the details of any completed or pending activity to which you have security access. Use the Activities tab to schedule and manage a variety of activities, including meetings, phone calls, and other tasks.

In addition to scheduling new activities on the Activities grid, you can also add touchpoints via the Actions menu. Touchpoints are streamlined activities that have fewer fields, allowing you to quickly add an activity to the Activities grid. If you want to add more detail to the touchpoint, you can access the Activities dialog box that provides a full Activity form of all the fields available for an activity.

Security Access to Activities

Your system administrator sets up security access rights to activity functions based on your role. The access rights defined for your role determine what scheduling options are available to you. Record update rights (for activities) apply only to the Activities grid on the Activity form and the Activities grids in the hub. They do not apply to the Calendar for your own activities.