Contents of the Daily Exchange Rates Form

Use these fields and options to configure exchange rates from one currency to another currency, for a specific date.

Exchange Rates Grid

Field Description
From Currency Select the From currency. The drop-down list contains the currencies that you specified in Settings > Currency > Options, for the active company.
To Currency Select the To currency. The drop-down list contains the list of currencies that you specified in Settings > Currency > Options, for the active company.
Date Specify the date on which the exchange rate is valid. If you want to filter the contents of the grid by date, you must enter a date in this field.
Exchange Rate Enter the exchange rate for the two currencies, up to 10 decimal places.
Download Rates If your firm uses the Currency Exchange Rate Service, click this button to display the Download Rates dialog box. On the dialog box, specify the date on which to download currency rates from and click OK.
Schedule Download If your firm uses the Currency Exchange Rate Service, you can schedule, via your process server, when you want the rates downloaded from Click this button to display the Schedule dialog box for the process server, specify the date, and click OK.