Save a Report in Resource Management Reporting

If you apply a search, filters, and other options to a report and you expect to need that report again in the future, you can name and save the report. Your search criteria, filters, column selections, column order, row grouping, and sort settings are all saved. Subsequently, you can select the saved report instead of reapplying the options each time.

A saved report is only available for the person who saves it.

Video: See related video below

To save a report:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Resource Management > Reporting to open the Reporting form.
  2. Select a standard report type or another saved report as the basis for your new saved report.
  3. Select the settings, filters, and columns that you want for the saved report.
  4. Click in the upper-right corner of the Reporting form and, if you started with a saved report in step 2, choose one of the following options:
    • Save: If you made changes to the saved report and keep those changes as part of that saved report, select this option. The saved report is updated.
    • Save As: if you made changes to the saved report and want to save the modified report as a new report, rather than update the existing saved report, select this option. Continue with the next step.
  5. If you set up a new report without starting from an existing saved report or if you started from an existing saved report and selected Save As in the previous step, enter a name for the new report in Report Name on the Save Report dialog box and click Save.


Title Description

Resource Management: Reporting (On-Screen List Report)

Learn how to generate reports in Resource Management. You specify which resources are included, the level of the WBS for which you want to see data, and the columns displayed on the report.