Effective Dates and Pay Rates Hierarchy

After you create pay rate tables, you can associate the tables with individual projects, employees, or both. The pay method that you choose when you associate a pay rate table with a project or employee determines how Vantagepoint applies pay rates for employee timesheet transactions (from timesheets and billing transfers) when those transactions are posted to your projects.

  • Projects Hub: Associate pay rate tables with your projects using the Pay Method and Pay Table fields on the Accounting tab of the Projects form in the Projects hub. Specify a different pay rate method, table, or both at each level of a project's work breakdown structure.
  • Employees Hub: Associate pay rate tables with employees using the Pay Rate Table Method and Pay Rate Table fields on the Payroll tab of the Employees hub. The pay rate method and table selections on this tab override the pay rate information that is entered on the Payroll tab of the Employees hub record.

Pay Rates Hierarchy

When you post employee timesheet transactions to a project, Vantagepoint looks first at the project record and then at the employee record to determine how to apply pay rates.

Vantagepoint uses the first setting it finds, based on the following hierarchy:

  1. Projects hub record for task: Pay Method field on the Accounting tab.
  2. Projects hub record for phase: Pay Method field on the Accounting tab.
  3. Projects hub record for project: Pay Method field on the Accounting tab.
  4. Employees hub: Pay Rate Table Method field on the Payroll tab.
  5. Employees hub: Pay Rate Table field on the Payroll tab.

Project Pay Rate Methods (Hierarchy Levels 1 through 3)

Because Vantagepoint looks first at the project record, the options that you select in the Pay Method field on the Accounting tab of the project record (at the lowest level of the WBS) determine how pay rates are applied. The options are:
  • None: This is the default option. When you select this option, Vantagepoint moves up the WBS and uses the first Pay Method specified (if any) for the project.
  • From Employee Pay Rate: When you select this option, Vantagepoint uses the pay rate specified for the employee in the Employees hub.
  • From Labor Rate Table, From Category Rate Table, From Labor Code Table: When you select one of these options:
    • And the employee is not covered by the table that is selected in the Rate Table field, Vantagepoint uses the pay rate that is specified for the employee in the Employees hub.
    • And the employee is covered by the table that is selected in the Rate Table field, Vantagepoint uses the employee's pay rate from the table, if the timesheet detail date is on or after the effective date specified on the table. If the timesheet detail date is before the effective date specified on the table, Vantagepoint uses the pay rate specified in the Employees hub.
    • And the employee is covered by the table that is selected in the Rate Table field, but no effective date is specified for the employee, Vantagepoint uses the employee's pay rate from the table, regardless of the timesheet detail date.

Employee Pay Rate Methods (Hierarchy Levels 4 through 5)

Based on your selections at the project level, Vantagepoint may or may not consider the employee record. Vantagepoint considers the employee record if any of the following apply:
  • The Pay Method for all levels of a project's WBS is set to None.
  • The Pay Method for the project is set to From Employee Pay Rate.
  • The employee is not covered by the Labor Rate Table, Category Rate Table, or Labor Code Table specified for the project.
If Vantagepoint looks at the employee record, the option that you select in the Cost Rate Table Method field on the Accounting tab of the employee record determine how cost rates are applied. Your options are:
  • None: This is the default option. When you select this option, Vantagepoint uses the employee's cost rate as specified in the Job Pay Rate field on the Accounting tab of the Employees hub.
  • From Labor Rate Table, From Category Rate Table, From Labor Code Table: When you select one of these options:
    • And an effective date is specified for the employee, Vantagepoint uses the employee's pay rate from the table, if the timesheet detail date is on or after the effective date that is specified on the table. If the timesheet detail date is before the effective date specified on the table, Vantagepoint uses the pay rate that is specified on the Accounting tab of the Employees hub.
    • And no effective date is specified for the employee, Vantagepoint uses the employee's pay rate from the table, regardless of the timesheet detail date.