Columns for Accounts Payable Export Report

You can select the columns to display on your report.

Field Description
Bank Account ID This column displays the bank's account ID.
Bank Account ID Type This column displays the bank's account ID type.
Bank Address 1-4 Bank Address 1 displays the vendor bank’s name. The other address fields display the bank’s primary address information (street name and number, suite number, postal box number, and so on).
Bank Amount This column displays the bank amount.
Bank City This column displays the city from the vendor bank’s primary address.
Bank Country This column displays the country from the vendor bank’s primary address.
Bank Currency Code This column displays the bank currency code associated with the voucher.
Bank Exchange Rate This column displays the bank's exchange rate.
Bank ID This column displays the bank identification number for electronic fund transfer of a vendor.
Bank ID Type This column displays the type of bank identifier that is entered in the Bank ID field (for example, ABA/Routing). The value for this field is configured in Settings > Labels and Lists.
Bank Name This column displays the name of the vendor’s bank to which wires are sent, or from which direct debits originate.
Bank Payment Amount This column displays the bank's payment amount.
Bank State This column displays the state from the vendor bank’s primary address.
Bank Totals This column displays the total of the selected vouchers.
Bank Zip This column displays the ZIP code from the vendor bank’s primary address.
Billed Phase This column displays the phase for which the record was final billed.
Billed Project This column displays the project for which the record was final billed.
Billed Task This column displays the task for which the record was final billed.
Check Bank Code This column displays the code for the bank involved in the transaction.
Description This columns displays the descriptive text for the line item.
Invoice Date This column displays either the invoice date or the cash receipt date.
Invoice Number This column displays the number assigned to the invoice. To display invoices and credit memos that are associated with an invoice, you can use grouping options with this column and include the Invoice column in the dashpart.

Grouping options, applied to this column and the Invoice column in the Dashpart Designer, affects whether or not info bubbles are displayed for the invoice records in the dashpart:

  • Expanded: If you applied this grouping option, Info bubbles are available for invoice records.
  • Collapsed: If you applied this grouping option, info bubbles are not available for invoice records.
Payment Currency Code This column displays the payment currency code associated with the voucher.
Payment Memo This column displays any additional wire or direct debit payment data information.
Payment Type This column displays the three payment type options: Check/EFT, Wire, or Direct Deposit.
PWP Code This column displays the status of each pay when paid (PWP) voucher:
  • NF: Not found: This status indicates that you posted the voucher, but the voucher is not yet associated with a final invoice for the project, or is not associated with a final invoice at the appropriate level. This status only appears for vouchers marked as PWP.
  • NP: Not paid: This status indicates that you have accepted the final invoice and posted the resulting invoice file that contains the PWP voucher, but you have not been paid for the invoice by your client.
  • PD: Paid: This status indicates that you posted the cash receipt for the invoice that contained the voucher. The voucher is available for payment processing.
Reference Number This column displays the reference or confirmation number for wires or direct debits.
Task This column displays the task number.
Vendor Organization This column displays the organization for which this vendor provides goods or services.
Vendor Status This column displays the vendor's status (for example, Active, Inactive, or Dormant).
Vendor Type This column displays the vendor type. You establish the possible values for this field on the Liability Accounts tab of the Accounts Payable settings form in Settings > Cash Management > Accounts Payable.
Voucher Billed Invoice This column displays the number of the invoice on which the record was final billed.
Voucher Line This column displays the line number for each item on the voucher.
Voucher Trans Type This column displays a two-letter code for the type of transaction.
Wire Fee This column displays the name of the wire fee.
Wire Fee Phase This column displays the name of the wire fee phase.
Wire Fee Project This column displays the name of the wire fee project.
Wire Fee Task This column displays the name of the wire fee task.
Wire Fee Account This column displays the name of the wire fee account.