Search for Fields in the Screen Designer

Use the search field in Screen Designer to locate fields in Screen Designer.

The search includes both the field names and database column identifiers for the Screen Designer Summary pane and tabs. The field names are the actual names that display on the Screen Designer form, and the field identifiers are the database column names for each field.

If Vantagepoint is set up to use multiple languages, see Screen Designer and Multiple Languages for some special considerations.

To search for fields in the Screen Designer:

  1. In the Navigation pane in the browser application, open Screen Designer in one of the following ways:
    • Go to the Hubs section and select the hub that you want to customize, or select Settings > General Ledger > Chart of Accounts to customize the Chart of Accounts. On the Actions bar of the form that displays, select Other Actions > Design.
    • Select Settings > General > Screen Designer. In the Application field at the top of the Screen Designer form, select the application that you want to customize.
  2. On the Screen Designer form in the properties pane, select the Find Field/Caption ID search field.
  3. Enter the field name or database column identifier and press ENTER.
    The Screen Designer searches all field names and database column identifiers. Because the database column identifiers often include the hub name, entering a hub as the search criteria will result in a larger number of matches.

    When a match is found, the Find Field/Caption ID search field displays the number of files found. For example, Files Found: 4 indicates that 4 associated fields were located.

    When multiple matches are found, click or to scroll through the results on the forms and tabs. As each field is located, the Screen Designer jumps to and selects the field so that its respective properties display in the properties pane.