Add or Remove an Element in Expense Report

You can add or remove divider lines, workflow buttons, and labels on the Expense Report form.

If Vantagepoint is set up to use multiple languages, see Screen Designer and Multiple Languages for some special considerations.

To add elements in the Expense Report form:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select My Stuff > Expense Report.
  2. On the Actions bar on the Expense Report form, click Other Actions and then click Design.
  3. Click Other Actions and then select an option that will add an element to the form, such as Add Label.
    The element that you select is added at the bottom of the Screen Designer form and the icon appears next to it.
  4. On the Screen Designer form, use your mouse to drag and drop the element.
  5. To change the width of the element, hover over it and then click and drag the resize icon .
  6. To remove an element, hover over it, and then click the icon.
  7. Click Save on the Actions bar.