Add a User-Defined Hub

You can add user-defined hubs in Vantagepoint using Screen Designer in Settings.

If Vantagepoint is set up to use multiple languages, see Screen Designer and Multiple Languages for some special considerations.

To add a new hub:

  1. In the Navigation pane in the browser application, select Settings > General > Screen Designer.
  2. On the title bar of the Screen Designer form click + New Hub.
    + New Hub displays only if the Accounting module or the CRM Plus module is activated.
  3. On the Create Hub dialog box, enter the basic information for the new hub, such as the hub name and the standard tabs to add to it, and click Done.
    The new hub displays on the Screen Designer form. It is not saved until you click Save on the Actions bar.

    In addition to the standard tabs that you selected on the Create Hub dialog box, an Overview tab is added to the hub. If you selected the Summary Panel with image check box on the Create Hub dialog box, the Overview tab is blank, and you can add fields to it or delete it. If you did not select the Summary Panel with image check box, the Overview tab contains a Number and Name field for entering the name and number for each new record that you add to the hub. You can delete the Overview tab if there are no fields on the tab.

  4. Add tabs, fields, and grids to the new hub by clicking an action item on the Actions bar on the Screen Designer form.
  5. Click Save at the top of the Actions bar to save the new hub.
You will see the new hub in the Navigation pane if your security role has access to all applications. New hubs are added below the standard hubs in the order that you create them. In Settings > Security > Roles, assign role access to the new hub.

You also see the new hub in the following places:

  • In User Initiated Workflows in Settings > Workflow > User Initiated Workflows. You can set up workflows for the hub.
  • In the Data Import utility in Utilities > Imports & Exports > Imports. If you have data from other software for the hub, you can import it into Vantagepoint with this utility.
  • In the Search and Replace utility in Utilities > Updates > Search and Replace. Use this utility if you need to replace a field value from the hub throughout Vantagepoint.
  • In My Stuff > Reporting. On the Reports tab, select the user-defined hub in the Type field. The following standard reports are available for user-defined hubs: Audit, Audit Detail, List, and Summary.