Review Payments in Payment Review

You can use the search criteria panel and the options on the Payment Review form to display and review payment information.

To review payments in Payment Review:
  1. In the Navigation pane, select Cash Management > Payment Review.
  2. In the Search Panel of the Payment Review form, enter the search criteria to display the payments that you want to review.
  3. To view more information on a specific payment, click at the right end of a row in the Payments grid:
    Payment Detail Click this option to review details of payments to vendors or employees, such as payment, bank, wire and direct debit, or electronic funds transfer (EFT) information. For details, see Payment Details Dialog Box.
    Voucher Review Click this option to review the vouchers associated with a payment to a vendor on the Voucher Review form. This option is only available when the payee for the selected payment is a vendor. For details, see Voucher Review Form.
  4. In the Payments grid, do one of the following:
    • Click the payee's name in the Payee field to display the electronic payment remittance or employee expense check.
    • Click the payment number in the Payment Number field to view the posting log for the payment. For payroll payments, the Payroll Journal for the specified employee displays in a report viewer.
    • Click the void date in the Voided field to display posting log information for the voided payment.