Include In Pursuit Projects in Calculation of Utilization and Scheduled Percentages

On the Plan Settings form, you can Indicate how Vantagepoint should determine whether or not projects that are assigned to an in pursuit stage should be included in the calculation of scheduled and utilization hours and percentages. (Projects assigned to a won stage are always included in those calculations, and projects assigned to a lost or do not pursue stage are always excluded.)

If you set up multiple companies in Vantagepoint, this setting applies to all companies.

To indicate which in pursuit projects should be included in scheduled and utilization hours and percentages:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Settings > Resource Planning > Plan Settings.
  2. In In Pursuit Projects in Scheduled and Utilization, do one of the following:
    • To never include in pursuit projects, select Never.
    • To always include in pursuit projects, select Always.
    • To include or exclude based on the Capacity Calculation option selected for individual projects in the Projects hub, select Set by Project.
    • To include projects that are assigned to specific in pursuit stages, select Automatically Set Based on Selected In Pursuit Stages. When you select this option, the In Pursuit Stages field displays. Select the in pursuit stages that qualify projects to be included in the calculations. (This option is only available if either the CRM module or CRM Plus module is activated.)
    • To include projects that have a probability of being won that is equal to or greater than a specific probability, select Automatically Set Based on Probability. When you select this option the Probability Greater Than or Equal field displays. Select the probability to use to determine if a project should be included in the calculations.
  3. Click Save.