Contents of the Rates Form

Use the Rates form of Resource Planning Settings to specify the budget type and the cost and billing rate methods, tables, and multipliers to use as the defaults for new plans.

With the necessary access rights, users can override the defaults for individual plans.

If you set up multiple companies in Vantagepoint, you specify default rate settings separately for each company.

Contents: General

Field Description
Active company If you set up multiple companies in Vantagepoint, the active company displays at the top of the form. If that company is not the company for which you want to specify rate information, select the correct company from the drop-down list on the Vantagepoint toolbar.

Contents: Standard Settings

Field Description
Budget Type

Select one of the following as the default budget type for new plans:

  • Cost: To include cost rates on plans, specify labor cost rate methods and cost rate tables.
  • Billing: To include billing rates on plans, specify labor cost and billing rate methods and billing rate tables, and a billing multiplier. If you have enabled planning for expenses and consultants, specify billing rate methods, tables, and multipliers for those also.
  • Cost and Billing: To include both cost and billing rates on plans, specify the rate methods, tables, and multipliers for both budget types.

Contents: Labor Cost Rates

If you select Cost or Cost and Billing in Budget Type, labor cost rate settings are used to calculate all planned labor cost amounts. If you plan based on billing, labor cost rates are only used to calculate labor estimate-at-completion (EAC) multipliers.

Field Description
Labor Cost Rates: Employee Rate Method

Select one of the following as the default employee cost rate method for new plans:

  • From Employee Provisional Rate: Use the provisional rates from the Employee hub.

  • From Labor Rate Table: Use the rates from a labor rate table.

  • From Labor Category Table: Use the rates from a labor category rate table.

  • From Labor Code Table: Use the rates from a labor code rate table. This option is only available if Vantagepoint is set up to use labor codes.

  • None: No default rate method.

If you select From Labor Rate Table, From Labor Category Table, or From Labor Code Table, also select a default employee cost rate table.

Labor Cost Rates: Employee Rate Table

If you selected an employee cost rate method other than From Employee Provisional Rate or None, select a default employee cost rate table for new plans. The rate table provides the default cost rates for WBS elements in the plans.

The only rate tables displayed for selection are those that are marked as available for planning. In addition, if you use multiple currencies in Vantagepoint, the selection list only contains tables that contain rates in your functional currency or, if you have multiple companies, in the functional currency of the active company.

If you do not want to specify a specific rate table as the default or have not yet set up the rate tables, select None.

Labor Cost Rates: Generic Resource Rate Method Select From Labor Category Table or From Labor Code Table to indicate if you want to use labor category rate tables or labor code rate tables as the default cost rate method for generic resources for new plans.

If you do not want to specify a rate method as the default, select None.

Labor Cost Rates: Generic Resource Rate Table

Select a default labor category or labor code rate table for generic resources in new plans. The rate table provides the default cost rates for WBS elements in the plans.

The only rate tables displayed for selection are those that are marked as available for planning. In addition, if you use multiple currencies in Vantagepoint, the selection list only contains tables that contain rates in your functional currency or, if you have multiple companies, in the functional currency of the active company.

If you do not want to specify a specific rate table as the default or have not yet set up the rate tables, select None.

Contents: Labor Billing Rates

If you select Billing or Cost and Billing in Budget Type, labor billing rate settings are used to calculate all planned labor billing amounts. If you select Cost in Budget Type, these settings do not display.

Field Description
Labor Billing Rates: Employee Rate Method

If you select Billing or Cost and Billing in Budget Type, select one of the following as the default employee billing rate method for new plans:

  • From Employee Provisional Rate: Use the provisional rates from the Employee hub.

  • From Labor Rate Table: Use the rates from a labor rate table.

  • From Labor Category Table: Use the rates from a labor category rate table.

  • From Labor Code Table: Use the rates from a labor code rate table. This option is only available if Vantagepoint is set up to use labor codes.

  • None: No default rate method.

If you select From Labor Rate Table, From Labor Category Table, or From Labor Code Table, also select a default employee billing rate table.

Labor Billing Rates: Employee Rate Table

If you selected an employee billing rate method other than From Employee Provisional Rate or None, select a default employee billing rate table for new plans. The rate table provides the default billing rates for WBS elements in the plans.

The only rate tables displayed for selection are those that are marked as available for planning. In addition, if you use multiple currencies in Vantagepoint, the selection list only contains tables that contain rates in your functional currency or, if you have multiple companies, in the functional currency of the active company.

If you do not want to specify a specific rate table as the default or have not yet set up the rate tables, select None.

Labor Billing Rates: Generic Resource Rate Method This field displays the method selected in Generic Resource Rate Method under Labor Cost Rates.
Labor Billing Rates: Generic Resource Rate Table

Select a default labor category or labor code rate table for generic resources in new plans. The rate table provides the default billing rates for WBS elements in the plans.

The only rate tables displayed for selection are those that are marked as available for planning. In addition, if you use multiple currencies in Vantagepoint, the selection list only contains tables that contain rates in your functional currency or, if you have multiple companies, in the functional currency of the active company.

If you do not want to specify a specific rate table as the default or have not yet set up the rate tables, select None.

Labor Billing Rates: Employee and Generic Billing Multiplier

Enter a default multiplier (2.7500, for example) for calculating labor billing amounts for both employees and generic resources: Planned hours x Billing rate x Billing multiplier.

If you select None in both Employee Rate Method and Generic Resource Rate Method under Labor Cost Rates, this field is not available.

Contents: Expense Billing Rates

If you select Billing or Cost and Billing in Budget Type and if planning is enabled for expenses, expense billing rate settings are used to calculate all planned expense billing amounts. If you select Cost in Budget Type or if planning for expenses is not enabled, these settings do not display.

Field Description
Expense Rate Method

Select one of the following as the default expense billing rate method for new plans:

  • Multiplier Only: Calculate expense billing amounts using a multiplier without a rate table.

  • From Account Rate Table: Use rates from an expense account rate table.

  • From Category Rate Table: Use rates from an expense category rate table.

  • None: No default rate method.

Expense Rate Table

If you selected an expense billing rate method other than Multiplier Only or None, select a default expense billing rate table for new plans. The rate table provides the default billing rates for WBS elements in the plans.

The only rate tables displayed for selection are those that match the rate method you selected (expense account tables or expense category tables) and that are marked as available for planning.

If you do not want to specify a specific rate table as the default or have not yet set up the rate tables, select None.

Expense Billing Multiplier

If you selected an expense billing rate method other than None, enter a default multiplier for calculating expense billing amounts for reimbursable expenses (1.2500, for example). Billing amounts for direct expense line items are always set to zero.

Contents: Consultant Billing Rates

If you select Billing or Cost and Billing in Budget Type and if planning is enabled for consultants, consultant billing rate settings are used to calculate all planned consultant billing amounts. If you select Cost in Budget Type or if planning for consultants is not enabled, these settings do not display.

Field Description
Consultant Rate Method

Select one of the following as the default consultant billing rate method for new plans:

  • Multiplier Only: Calculate consultant billing amounts using a multiplier without a rate table.

  • From Account Rate Table: Use rates from an expense account rate table.

  • From Category Rate Table: Use rates from an expense category rate table.

  • None: No default rate method.

Consultant Rate Table

If you selected an consultant billing rate method other than Multiplier Only or None, select a default rate table for new plans. The rate table provides the default billing rates for WBS elements in the plans.

The only rate tables displayed for selection are those that are marked as available for planning.

If you do not want to specify a specific rate table as the default or have not yet set up the rate tables, select None.

Consultant Billing Multiplier

If you selected an expense billing rate method other than None, enter a default multiplier for calculating consultant billing amounts for reimbursable consultant expenses (1.2500, for example). Billing amounts for direct consultant expense line items are always set to zero.